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EDL Leader to be interviewed on Newsnight

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I do appreciate that. I'm just trying to have a discussion about their ideology and find out what people think of this. I'm not supporting their view. I believe the only future we have is by accepting others and sharing the worlds resources and wealth.


It's difficult to discuss an issue like this without it getting into name calling, it's like treading on egg shells. It would be good to get a strong supporter on here to have a debate without it being closed....


I'm interested in what makes them tick...



Probably the same as what makes you tick! You used to be a regular contributor on the BNP threads if I remember.;)

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I'm interested in what makes them tick...


Confusion and xenophobia. Respectable '**** bashing' without the stigma of racism.


If even the leader of the EDL is confused about what they really are, then is there much point in analysing the 'philosophy' of this disparate group consisting mainly of football hooligans and hooligan wannabes?


They do represent the deeply-held fears of some people, the main two being that Islamic Law and culture are set to take over the UK and that the entire Muslim community of the UK is producing and harbouring suicide bombers.


Neither thing is remotely true but there are a lot of people who accept such 'popular reactionary myths' without challenge and these are the people who the EDL appeal to.


Shouty slogans and no thinking involved. Single-issue politics Lite!


John X

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Confusion and xenophobia. Respectable '**** bashing' without the stigma of racism.


If even the leader of the EDL is confused about what they really are, then is there much point in analysing the 'philosophy' of this disparate group consisting mainly of football hooligans and hooligan wannabes?


They do represent the deeply-held fears of some people, the main two being that Islamic Law and culture are set to take over the UK and that the entire Muslim community of the UK is producing and harbouring suicide bombers.


Neither thing is remotely true but there are a lot of people who accept such 'popular reactionary myths' without challenge and these are the people who the EDL appeal to.


Shouty slogans and no thinking involved. Single-issue politics Lite!


John X


EDL leader is a complete idiot and a liar, if anything he says about Muslims was remotely true he wouldn't be alive right now. If the threat from so called 'Islamic Extremism' is so great what is he doing running a business and giving out anti Muslim leaflets in the place he calls the 'heartland of Islamic extremism'. If asian guys were really jumping out of cars at him with knives why hasn't he been stabbed? He wears a bullet proof vest to walk around Luton town centre to in some way try and give credibility to this imaginary threat :hihi: As if that would actually save him if someone really wanted to do seriouse damage to him. He might end up in A&E one day but that will be as a result of his own actions and not Islam.


I think these fears are more to do with media portrayal of Muslims and not the reality of what's happening in modern Britain. The reality is in cities and towns up and down the country most Muslims are trying to make a better life for themselves and their families just like the rest of the population.

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Well then that's that argument settled :hihi:


integration has nothing to do with marrige or going to the pub. It's about getting along with others in society and making a positive contribution. Traditional British and Islamic values have things in common such as being good to your neighbours, feeding the poor, helping the elderly, helping the sick, being a generally good and decent person. A lot of Muslims are doing exactly this but the media is only interested when it's something negative even if that negative act had nothing to do with Islam such as the Derby sex abuse case.

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I'm not trying to justify their actions. I'm just stating what the bloke said on Newsnight...Which was = They are opposed to Islam. Not any particular Race, they have supporters from all different backgrounds...

They are opposed to Pakistani's who are Muslim, but not Pakistani's of no faith or a different one..That's what they claim, not me, by the way...


Yet he claimed he did not have an issue with Muslim's just Islam :huh: After all did he not say he was just a simple man :D I can't fault him on that.


Yes they do have supporters of different walks of life however that does not take away the point that they use racial slurs at their ape marches. Their token Indian chap has been outed inciting hateful racial slurs though not surprising.

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The Muslim world (in green) http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_PgtFNpY_3mc/S7pwGlIDm2I/AAAAAAAAJuY/Pj-Tbk_3lmc/s1600/Israel+Islam+World+Map+Crop.gif


Beware of the spread of Islam into Europe...if you thought Christianity was bad........

Since I was young Iv read about the green belt..so thats what it looks like..shame I think green is my least favourite colour..oughta done it in blue

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