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EDL Leader to be interviewed on Newsnight

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Not sure how aggressive he was by his usual standards.


I reckon he saw Robinson/Lennon coming across as a bit of a confused conspiracy theorist and just let him get on with it.


John X


Certainly by the end, Paxman was just nodding indulgently, like you do to a talkative infant who can't find the end of their sentence and who just keeps burbling on.

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He certainly wasn't treating him as a proper interviewee.


He made some massive contradictions that Paxman would normally have ripped apart but you could see he couldn't be bothered.


High point for me was when Paxman picked up a couple of sheets of A4 paper and said "Here are some comments by your supporters on Facebook........" and Robinson/Lennon looked decidedly nervous and started babbling on about how you couldn't use the EDL Facebook page to represent the EDL's views. :hihi:


John X

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He sounded sincerely worried. I have no doubt I would revert to a tongue tied fool if interviewed aggressively by Paxman. I reckon he did quite well.



I didn't see the interview, but I was told by someone who did (who is certainly no supporter of the EDL, but who is capable of reasonably objective judgement) that he put in a creditable performance.

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Erm, I don't know. I thought he did ok. He raised a good point in that people like Paxman have not been effected by mass immigration in the same way as the working class. Personally I believe they will continue to grow. They're not politicians, they don't have the education or diplomacy. What they do have though is credibility with thousands of working class people. predominantly male. I think its a mistake to dismiss them, there are some very angry young people about.


I suppose you could compare their political aptitude to that of the protesters in Egypt. Neither, when interviewed, come across as visionary thinkers, but both are capable of causing political pressure.....


Ignore and dismiss them at our peril....

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You defending the nobhead racist pillocks again, Noddy?

Why am I not surprised?

Im not defending anyone, Im making a comment on the suggestion of violence. I would like to see the proof on where I have ever defended Racism.I wont hold my breath waiting.

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You letting Roy James use your log-in again? ;)


As someone sympathetic to the EDL's 'cause', how do you think he did on Newsnight?


John X

Read my answer to the above poster, I hold no sympathy for the EDL ,I merely commented on a so called member of the religion of peace wanting to commit violence on someone he doesnt even know.As for Roy James ..well what can I say the man must be something of a legend on here for you to continually bring him up,from what Iv seen/heard of him he's a bully boy who joined a cause which allowed him to give rein to his pleasures.still what ever rocks your personal boat.

I was actually being sarcastic ,you all seem to scream and shout at the so called violence of the BNP and EDL against muslims but when a muslim commits violence or like the one on here advocates violence nobody brings them to book and you wonder why groups like the BNP and EDL continue to exist,take a long look at yourselves the answer is within.

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