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EDL Leader to be interviewed on Newsnight

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The EDL are largely knuckle-dragging football holligans with a website. many members are exBNP so of course are paedophiles.


But the police explicitly stated that far-right terrorism is a real threat.


Well they're obviously not all paedophiles, bit of a stupid thing to say.

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From the EDL Facebook page....


3 days to go until we make history, our grandchildren will be very proud of us! God Save The Queen!


These people are nuts! :loopy:


What do they think is going to happen in Luton on Saturday?


John X

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From the EDL Facebook page....




These people are nuts! :loopy:


What do they think is going to happen in Luton on Saturday?


John X


It's scary to see, the march should be banned.

Hopefully nothing too extreme happens. My Mum teaches down in Luton, some of the parents are genuinely scared of what's going to happen.

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There are a billion muslims and very few bnp members.


I love it when people try to use maths to prove a point and end up proving the opposite of what they are trying to say! :D


415,000 as a percentage of 1 billion is less than 0.004%


17,200 as a percentage of 14,000 is over 122%


So in fact there are more Google results for bnp paedos, than they actually have members! :roll:


Nice one mate!


John X


P.S. This is of course assuming that the number of Google results mean anything other than.....well Google results! :rolleyes:

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Those who last night were slavering over the prospect of the guy being slaughtered on Newsnight were probably labouring under the misconception that it would be a re-run of Griffin's appearance on Question Time. Griffin was faced with a hostile, baying mob, abetted by an equally hostile chairman, so it was a Lion's den situation even before Griffin could open his mouth. As I said earlier, I didn't see the interview with the EDL guy last night, but I gather he did get some points across about the fear felt by his supporters about the dangers from Islamic extremism, fears which I suspect are widely shared.


I think Griffin's performance on Newsnight would be a better comparison - witness QT during Gulf War II, The Expenses Scandal etc - it's an utter pantomime.



Here's Nick and Jeremy:

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He sounded sincerely worried. I have no doubt I would revert to a tongue tied fool if interviewed aggressively by Paxman. I reckon he did quite well.


It's not like he's standing for election or anything, but now people know about the EDL, and the calibre of their leadership.


Half of these demos are probably organised by undercover coppers anyway.


Yaxley's strategy was simple. Just keep repeating a few well rehearsed lies and half-truths and don't be deflected by reason!

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I agree. Look at Trevor Hannington and Michael Heaton - terrorists.

The EDL have people living in fear and I challenge anyone to go to one of their marches and come back still believing they are not a racist group.


If you think the EDL are more of a terrorist threat than muslim extremists you're deluded. On that note its goodbye to this thread from me. There's no point trying to discuss the matter......:suspect::D

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