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How daft is that? .. The law of consequences ..

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What simple consequences can you express in just a few words?


I'm working on this to get my son's head out of the clouds. He thinks he's some kind of intellectual and is bored by mundane practical things.


He just earned a £60 bonus at work but £50 of that was swallowed up by bank charges because he's not been managing his money. Ahhhh!!!!!!

How daft is that?


What can I do to bring him back to earth and get him to do the things we all have to do to get by in life?


If you don't look after your finances, your finances will come back and bite you on the bum ...


Can this be expressed any better ... and do you have some "consequences" of your own to share?

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What about dialling his bank and passing him the phone and then your son informing the bank he feels the charges are excessive and that he'd like them to let him off this once, and he'll take it as a warning, and not give them reason to charge him again, otherwise, he'll be swapping accounts?


(It's worked for me on more than occasion!)



A fool and his money are soon parted?


Depending on his sense of humour, you could tell his mates 'he's working for the bank these days', or 'he appears to be the only person in the country who believes the bankers don't get enough in bonuses, so he's decided to turn his own bonus over to the bank!'

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