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The standard ID question


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Hey, if this has been asked before I can't find the thread , but pretty much I'm wondering how often Citizencard works as a form of ID?

I've got a mate who might be coming in for my birthday, he lives about three hours away, the only ID he's got is a Citizen card he uses for festivals (did have a license, but the poor guy got mugged the other day) and despite being 23 he does get ID'd a lot. Pretty much he doesn't want to come if he's going to get refused left right and centre, because by the time we go out it'll be too late for him to get the train home, and he doesn't want us to have to keep moving because of him. So yeh, he's got a Citizen card, will it work?

As for which bars, we're going to Corp at some point during the night, but other than that we're playing it by ear.

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Don't think you'll have much look I'm afraid if he is ID'd. My girlfriend also has one as she doesn't fancy taking her passport out or forking out £50 for a provisional licence. All the times she's been ID'd they've never accepted it in any bar! The Cavendish, Wetherspoons, The Globe, The Graduate, Brown Bear, Bungalows and Bears and Corp.


It's a real nightmare really. It specifically says on it that it has to be accepted as a legal form of ID and has the backing of the Portman group etc but bar staff aren't interested. It frustrates me no end though when they don't accept it. Even when showing them her student card which verifies everything on the card they still don't budge.


I understand the penalties that come with serving underage people but just wish people would have some common sense!

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Was afraid of that. Makes no sense really, almost every bar in the country claims to support the PASS scheme, and then refuse everything accept a passport or drivers license.


So how strict are they generally? I'm 26 tomorrow, and look it if not older, so I haven't needed to pay attention to ID stuff in years, how bad would it be for a 23 year old who looks his age? It's strict as hell where he lives, even I got ID'd there, can he expect the same here?

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In Ladbrooks betting shop they have leaflets for a "prove it card" they are one of the main IDs accepted in bars/clubs around the country.

They cost around £15 but for an extra £5 you can have it within a couple of days via express delivery.


They are PASS acredited which means it is legal and accepted everywhere.

I am 30 and had to buy one of these as I keep getting asked for ID.

(Its just jealousy of by boyish good looks.)

If you have problems using the card take the leaflet to accompany it. Proves where you got it from.

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