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Ultra zionists.

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I would be careful what you say about that because a lot of Muslims were sympathic to Hitler.


The Arab Embrace of Nazism:


Husseini represents the prevalent pro-Nazi posture among the Arab/Muslim world before, during and even after the Holocaust. The Nazi-Arab connection existed even when Adolf Hitler first seized power in Germany in 1933. News of the Nazi takeover was welcomed by the Arab masses with great enthusiasm, as the first congratulatory telegrams Hitler received upon being appointed Chancellor came from the German Consul in Jerusalem, followed by those from several Arab capitals. Soon afterwards, parties that imitated the National Socialists were founded in many Arab lands, like the "Hisb-el-qaumi-el-suri" (PPS) or Social Nationalist Party in Syria. Its leader, Anton Sa'ada, styled himself the Führer of the Syrian nation, and Hitler became known as "Abu Ali" (In Egypt his name was "Muhammed Haidar").

I have no doubt there were as are many in the BNP today, but for their own reasons Grahame. I can't imagine there is the same level of hate for the Jews in Muslims of China as there is in Palestinian territories or the same distrust of the British in Brazil as there is in Argentina, each for it's own reason and not religious. One thing for sure though there was much more systematic killing of the Jews by the Europeaans than anywhere else and having sympathy doesn't even come close to running gas chambers now does it?
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Not to kill, I wish you'd remember that when talking about Muslims Grahame, as Mohammed also and Moses and Gandhi and my Dad said the same thing, but who would believe that eh?:roll: You or I would not see them as Christians but the Nazis considered themselves very much Christians and upholders of Christian values against the killers of Jesus.


The origins of Nazi persecutions of the Jews were not because of anything connected to the crucifixion of Christ.

Hitler's hatred of the Jews was based on his belief that Germany had been betrayed by the Jews into surrendering to Britain and France in November 1918 and that they had manipulated and bled the German economy for their own benefit. Not true of course but in his mind it was.

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