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Ultra zionists.

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You are talking nonsense.


Semite is a language. You are trying to say Americans are Australians.


Yes, O learned one. English is a language. It's also a people.


your silly comment is like saying anti semitism is like anti -*insert language of your choice*.

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Yes, O learned one. English is a language. It's also a people.


your silly comment is like saying anti semitism is like anti -*insert language of your choice*.


There's your proof, anti-Semitism is about Jews and not Arabs. They are different people.


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Originally Posted by mike edds

is that why the parents of the kiddies use the as shields?


Illegal settlements on palestinian land and if they protest use excessive force.


Is that supposed to be an answer to the above quote regarding the palestinians using their own children as human shields?

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There were no parents near the children. And as I said, the pebbles of mass destruction must have been terrifying.

I think that firing Rockets from the gardens of houses in a residential district that was occupied by Palestinians is enough proof.

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As for the content of the programme. What a bunch of idiots eh?


How can anyone watch that and then tell me it is only about land?


These people are motivated by ideology, a religious ideology.


All those people who argue that 'no wars are ever fought for religious reasons' have their heads so far in the sand it is ridiculous.

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Don't foreget the smuggled in Rockets.


Please don't patronise me, I didn't forget. They weren't likely to carry them through a checkpoint in a shopping basket. :loopy:


I simply made a point which highlighted Palestinian involvement, otherwise why would they need tanks. The OP for whatever reason failed to do that. This is an Israeli AND Palestinian problem with major faults on both sides. You on the other hand when debating see nothing but what your groomed to see. You're a blind little bigot that tiresomely puts forward endless soundbites without any knowledge of the conflict or situation on the ground. I await now for you're jaw achingly reply with 'When I was in Cyprus blah de bleedin blah' in defence of your superior knowledge. :roll:


As for the Palestinian question, their plight is a foregone conclusion as long as the Israeli flag flies over the WhiteHouse disguised as the "The Star-Spangled Banner".

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