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Ultra zionists.

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I can only go on sources like Wikipedia, but it seems Zionism as a general term is basically advocating for the Jewish State of Israel, it's continued existance and it's defense against threats. I don't see why that would be used in a derogatory way unless the person using it like that would rather Israel not exist at all, that's why I wonder if they mean specific forms of Zionism.




I've seen 'Zionist/Zionism' used to refer to people that want an enlarged State of Israel, but a person just being a Zionist believing Israel has a right to exist might not belive in expansion.



Not quite. Zionism is a religious based ideology - which in the form espoused by extremists such as the West Bank 'settlers' aims to establish an Israeli state covering a tract of the middle east which incorporates large parts of existing sovereign states, including all of Palestine and large parts of Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon.


The justification for pursuing this aim is the belief that the Jews are God's 'chosen race' and destined to eventually dominate the Earth.


Obviously, only a minoirity of Jewish people are Zionists, and not all people termed 'Zionists' espouse the more extreme version of the ideology (or at least not openly). However, a majority of those in power in Israel are Zionists, and they are supported by a wealthy and powerful Zionist lobby who operate across the developed world, and particularly weald a huge amount of influence in the USA.


So if some people use the word 'zionist' in a seemingly deerogatorry way, it is hardly suprising, given the racial supremacist aims which lie behind that ideology.

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It's quite bizarre, they think the land should be theirs as given to them by God, but don't they ever think, Arabs have been here for thousands of years too, so how can God have given it just to them (the Jews)? Arabs and the would-be Jews probably coexisted fine until the Abrahamic religions took root.


As with most religious fundamentalism, any sense of reason is absent.

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It's quite bizarre, they think the land should be there's as given to them by God, but don't they ever think, Arabs have been here for thousands of years too, so how can God have given it just to them? Arabs and the would-be Jews probably coexisted fine until the Abrahamic religions took root.


As with most religious fundamentalism, any sense of reason is absent.


For once mj.scuba I agree with you.

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It's quite bizarre, they think the land should be theirs as given to them by God, but don't they ever think, Arabs have been here for thousands of years too, so how can God have given it just to them (the Jews)? Arabs and the would-be Jews probably coexisted fine until the Abrahamic religions took root.


As with most religious fundamentalism, any sense of reason is absent.


israel is zion, hence zionist. the jewish faith is 3400 years old. http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/judaism/history/zion.shtml

im getting my head around why zionists are what they are.


as for coexisted i thought the jews were slaves at that time?


as for a any sense of reason being absent, events prove your right.



however your average human wants and needs to live in peace, whatever religion.

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It's quite bizarre, they think the land should be theirs as given to them by God, but don't they ever think, Arabs have been here for thousands of years too, so how can God have given it just to them (the Jews)? Arabs and the would-be Jews probably coexisted fine until the Abrahamic religions took root.


As with most religious fundamentalism, any sense of reason is absent.


The Israelites invaded and conquered what we call the Holy Land and wiped out the ethnic Cannanites. The Arabs are from elsewhere.



"The Arabs are a pan-ethnicity of peoples of various ancestral origins, religious backgrounds and historic identities, whose members, on an individual basis, identify as such on one or more of linguistic, cultural, political, or genealogical grounds. Those self-identifying as Arab, however, rarely cite Arab as their sole ethnic identity. Most hold multiple identities, with a more localised prioritised ethnic identity — such as Egyptian, Lebanese, or Yemeni — in addition to further tribal, village and clan identities."



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hello all, ultra zionists is the debate.

this is a great link, for debate.





i like jews and the nation of israel. however as the situation in this nation is the justifiction for so much pain death and hate. a debate is needed. please lets not get this thread closed, lets debate with facts to back it up. thanks.


there is program by louis theroux on bbc2 tonight about ultra zionists tonight so may be worth watching.

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