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How can we improve the country

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I wholly respect your point. I do believe though that prisoners aren't a different breed, they are just like you and I, they are humans, they can be influenced.


I think we're probably looking at the same problem from the same place to be honest.


The fact is that all criminals are people, and despite some having serious mental health issues and substance abuse problems they think the same way as everyone else. For the most part the only real difference is they have a much lower level of tolerance surrounding the concept of personal property - it stems from poverty. It's not your property, or my property, or drugs or other property that is prohibited by society - it's just property that they need or is a means to an end. That's often why criminals are so materialistic, and also why they tend to get a lot better when they have kids or get a bit older because they realise that property is not the core of existence. But by then it's too late.


Are they open to education, to some extent, but real change has to come fom within, and that's a real challenge. The only true solution is jobs and wealth, not jobs inside. But I'm being idealistic. :roll:

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Perhaps we should ask our political leaders why the German economy has a multi billion euro trade surplus while the U.K languishes in in export division five. Why am I responsible for my performance at work while they seem to be able to make incompetent decisions regarding the long term prosperity of the U.K with no more culpability than Feudal monarchs!


Perhaps the direct correlation between poverty criminality and mental Illness should be presented to our lords and masters. Maybe they should be answering for this disgraceful state of affairs whose trajectory they are responsible for.

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Ok, so opinions are like <REMOVED>, we've all got one and most of em stink, but here's my two penneth. There's a lot of threads about "prisons this" and "cutbacks that" and we all seem to have our opinions of how we could improve the outlook of our fair country well here's mine:


Our prisons are full of blokes who work out, eat, smoke and doss about all day. they're like a battery that isn't being used. Now I'm not up on how full our jails are right now but I'm guessing there might be a couple of hundred thousand? maybe more? I dunno. All the inmates have no positive way of exerting their energy and so spend their time fighting, planning escapes, planning fights, planning jobs when they get out or spending time in the gym so they can do all of the above better.


Now don't get me wrong, many do serve their time, keep their heads down and learn their lesson.


How's about we start to use this massive pot of labour to a positive end, chain gangs, and production lines. All the inmates earning the roof over their heads and the three square meals they're provided with daily. There's plenty of graffiti needs scrubbing, litter that needs picking along our rail/motorways, or even factories which are based in other countries which could be tempted to set up shop in england if they were provided with 100 men for the cost of 1, thus supporting the economy and encouraging industry into the country. At the end of the day a tired inmate returns to his cell with an idea of what a working day is and far too tired to start whacking lumps of flesh out of his cell-mate.


Everyones a winner?


prisoners do work, outside companys pay the prison a certain amount per hour out of which the prison pays the prisoner a small amount and keeps the rest.

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Ok, so opinions are like <REMOVED>, we've all got one and most of em stink, but here's my two penneth. There's a lot of threads about "prisons this" and "cutbacks that" and we all seem to have our opinions of how we could improve the outlook of our fair country well here's mine:


Our prisons are full of blokes who work out, eat, smoke and doss about all day. they're like a battery that isn't being used. Now I'm not up on how full our jails are right now but I'm guessing there might be a couple of hundred thousand? maybe more? I dunno. All the inmates have no positive way of exerting their energy and so spend their time fighting, planning escapes, planning fights, planning jobs when they get out or spending time in the gym so they can do all of the above better.


Now don't get me wrong, many do serve their time, keep their heads down and learn their lesson.


How's about we start to use this massive pot of labour to a positive end, chain gangs, and production lines. All the inmates earning the roof over their heads and the three square meals they're provided with daily. There's plenty of graffiti needs scrubbing, litter that needs picking along our rail/motorways, or even factories which are based in other countries which could be tempted to set up shop in england if they were provided with 100 men for the cost of 1, thus supporting the economy and encouraging industry into the country. At the end of the day a tired inmate returns to his cell with an idea of what a working day is and far too tired to start whacking lumps of flesh out of his cell-mate.


Everyones a winner?


Didn't stop Cool Hand Luke from indulging in a little mayhem after a day on the chain gang :hihi:

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