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Is it time to do away with the minimum wage?

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Whatever you say mecky, my parents British made cooker was still working when they got rid of it after 30 YEARS !


How does a gas cooker break? Bet the hinges and gas valve was made in Hong Kong. The best British manufacturing stuff was Alba, Bush and amstrad

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Of course it's true. Trying to make out the current deficit is all to do with a global economic collapse only demonstrates how far the zealous appologists on the left are able to delude themselves in the promotion of their poisonous and socially divisive cause.


UK currect debt level is £1.2 trillion. Current budget deficit is around £140 billion.


Even in Labour's most idiotic spending spree, the budget deficit peaked at £175 billion. You can't build up a debt of £1.2 trillion without overspending for years at those levels. That means from long before any world crisis had occured.


its a lot more then 1.2 trillion love get your facts right

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what about unemployment benefit? it should be on a slidingscale, the longer you are on it the last it gets

Why ? there are people signing on that are unemployable and will never get a job ,does that mean they are not entitled to a life ?Obviously you are employed,for now,if it happens to you come back and tell the young unemployed how easy you found it living on the pittance from the state..£60 does not go very far Im sure,dont believe all you here about the unemployed living the life of Riley Iv been there in the past its nothing like you read about.

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Why ? there are people signing on that are unemployable and will never get a job ,does that mean they are not entitled to a life ?Obviously you are employed,for now,if it happens to you come back and tell the young unemployed how easy you found it living on the pittance from the state..£60 does not go very far Im sure,dont believe all you here about the unemployed living the life of Riley Iv been there in the past its nothing like you read about.


I am currently unemployed as i cant be ass to get a job, So you think if the guys too lazy to work we should house and feed him for the rest of his worthless life

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I am currently unemployed as i cant be ass to get a job, So you think if the guys too lazy to work we should house and feed him for the rest of his worthless life

Very few peoples lives are worthless,only to self conceited people who like to think they are better than others.Rich or poor they all end up in the same place and the slabs are always cold.

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I am an employer and what I have noticed over recent years is that the minimum wage has increased annually above the rate of inflation. It started of low and has now increase approaching those in jobs who have some skill, experience, qualification and responsibility. The minimum wage is about right although I have had some idiots that are so thick they can't actually 'earn' the minimum wage but you get rid of those. It's the people I describe above who needs a pay rise.


My gripe is I employ a labourer who is only 75p above minimum wage per hour. He deserves more. But I am a small builder doing mainly private home owner work and in this climate I am competing against other builders who are cashing in on the current economic situation and paying £40 cash in hand per day. £5 per hour full stop. I have to pay employers NI and holiday pay on top of his wages and makes me uncompetitive. I don't want to employ on the fiddle and my labourer doesn't want to work on the 'fiddle'. Same goes for my tradesman I employ.


Customers don't help. Offer a discount for cash and they will take it. You then have cash to pay out cash in hand wages. Sometimes you wonder is it worth being honest with the system.

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Forgot to add. I buy British when I can and if not then European. Buying Chinese is exporting jobs.


What I see going off in China is what went off in Japan in the 60's and 70's. It won't last. The standard of living will increase and so will the wages.


Japan's got it rough at the moment.

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