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Look North/ Look Leeds


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Originally posted by unners

I have just been mentioned by Claire thanking me for my email!


Although she said that perhaps Barnsley should get Emailing also.(Sarcastic cow!)

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Me too. I've suggested that they should have a live pic of the fountain in the peace gardens. How wonderful that would look in the summer, with people running through it occasionally. Although It would probably confuse some of the Leeds Lot as they will think it was Barcelona or something.

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Originally posted by muddycoffee

Me too. I've suggested that they should have a live pic of the fountain in the peace gardens. How wonderful that would look in the summer, with people running through it occasionally. Although It would probably confuse some of the Leeds Lot as they will think it was Barcelona or something.


Good idea, provided they choose nice clean children to run thorugh the fountain, not some scruffy little urchins.

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I live in Sheffield but to be honest I don't really care whether the Look North camera shows Leeds, Sheffield,Barnsley etc. The majority of people who get to see Look North live in the region anyway and already know the positive and negative sides of all the cities / towns in Yorkshire. So while we are all bickering about whether Sheffield or Leeds is top dog, many southerners would probably only be able to point us out on a map because they know we are somewhere ''up north where it's grim.'' And those of them that do think Sheffield is a run down industrial has been may not be far wrong.

If you approach Sheffield by rail from the Rotherham side of the city it is a pretty grim sight. I love the place but I'm a realist and no amount of call centres, office buildings, retail parks and fast food restaurants can come close to compensating for the industry and heritage that we have lost. The steelworks have gone, the rail marshalling yard which made sheffield one of the hubs of the north has gone and the airport has no commercial flights and has a doubtful future.

Realistically, potential investors find Leeds far preferable to Sheffield and to think otherwise is to bury your head in the sand.

On a lighter note I can't understand why anyone would want to point a camera at a polluted city / town (whether it be Leeds, Sheffield or anywhere else) when they could point it at any number of rural beauty spots that this area possesses.

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Personally i don't think its as grim as you make out crossdog, everytime i come back to sheffield i see new buildings and investment and a feeling that the city is finally realising its full potential as a succussful major city.


I've also emailed look north.

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Originally posted by Crossdog

On a lighter note I can't understand why anyone would want to point a camera at a polluted city / town (whether it be Leeds, Sheffield or anywhere else) when they could point it at any number of rural beauty spots that this area possesses.


Because in the country everyone would object to the BBC erecting a metal pole with a camera on top.

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I understood the camera would be to give a very brief view over the city to show what the weather was like. But once the site of the camera was discovered there'd be the usual bunch of mindless nitwits waving at it :clap:


Aren't there enough CCTV cameras in town ? Is there a street where you can't be seen by some berk sat scoffing his packin' up, or pickin' his nose and rolling bogies in front of a video monitor ?


Sheesh !

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