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The Labour Party Left The Uk With £7.9 Trillion In Debt

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When you are in large amounts of debt, you spend less and earn more. It's not pleasant, but there is no option about it. It's what happens, either through choice or by force.


True as an individual. But if everyone spends less then overall debt increases, because productivity goes down, jobs decrease, inflation of goods increases beyond that of wages... it is a fallacy of composition.... the paradox of thrift.

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The word you are looking for is COULD not WOULD..But of course it didn't.


Looking at this article George Osborne wrote for The Times in 2006 I think the words you're looking for are would and worse. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/columnists/guest_contributors/article733821.ece The last sentence says it all, "They have much to teach us, if only we are willing to learn".

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