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Advice Needed Please

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I was wondering if someone could help me out.


I live in a shared house owned by a private landlord and there is one resident in particular who is loud, abusive and highly disrespectful of this house. Tonight he confronted one of the other residents who is really old, I'd say late 70's perhaps older just because he asked to keep his noise from his friends down a little as it was getting late.


A hour or so passed and obviously in that time he has got even more drunk and hit my door so hard that I heard plaster move from around the door frame.


I have contacted my landlord on several occasions and it probably works out that I'm speaking about the disrespectful resident to the landlord at least once a week now.


During the day it's not too bad as I think he either sleeps or goes out but as soon as the sunsets he kicks off. Right now I daren't leave my room as I feel he may start on me.


So other than speaking yet again to my landlord what other options are available to me?

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Go round with a load of mates, stick a bag over his head and stick him in a van and leave him with his hands tied on a moor in central Scotland.


It should give you a couple of week's peace and maybe your landlord will have rented out his room by the time he finds his way back (if ever!) :hihi:

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You shouldn't have to put up with this. You need to tell your landlord that unless he has a word with the noisy resident and warn him with eviction, next time you will call the police.


And make sure you do call the police, they should treat it like a neighbour dispute and speak with the tenant and your landlord to get him evicted if it carries on.


No one should have to live with this sort of behaviour causing missery and blighting their lives.

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On a couple of occasions i've fought back with noise and annoyance, it only gets worse (if their not bothered in the first place)...


Since you don't sound like your in council housing, it'll be the Environmental Health Officer (EHO), see: http://www.adviceguide.org.uk/index/your_family/housing/neighbour_disputes.htm

Look for the section entitled "Dealing with noisy neighbours".

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Thanks for your feedback.


I have considered calling the Police but he is the type that will retaliate and it's that what I don't want. Another concern I have is if he starts on me or any other resident whilst I'm looking after my kids during the day. This is something that I have mentioned previously to my landlord.


Also I believe that if he was to be evicted then he would still return as one of the other residents is apparently an old friend of his so if he did return and start on me then nothing could be done.


When he bangs doors and stomps his feet etc it's not like it's by accident he clearly knows that what he is doing is wrong but just finds it funny. Like now he is banging doors and has quite a few mates around one of which has just come out of prison and they have music on really loud.

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I know you shouldn't have to, but can you move?


If it is arranged through the housin then he will be evicted. Don't let him scare you, report him, tell the police you are worried about reprisals, or tell your landlord to call the police and let him make the complaint.


He sounds like he needs to grow up and get a life.

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Thanks for your feedback.


I have considered calling the Police but he is the type that will retaliate and it's that what I don't want. Another concern I have is if he starts on me or any other resident whilst I'm looking after my kids during the day. This is something that I have mentioned previously to my landlord.


Also I believe that if he was to be evicted then he would still return as one of the other residents is apparently an old friend of his so if he did return and start on me then nothing could be done.


When he bangs doors and stomps his feet etc it's not like it's by accident he clearly knows that what he is doing is wrong but just finds it funny. Like now he is banging doors and has quite a few mates around one of which has just come out of prison and they have music on really loud.


Your in a no win situation mate. I know what I would do . . . . .

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