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Should i be ashamed to be unemployed?

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i've been unemployed for a few years as i developed a serious mental illness,

previous to that i'd worked for years in a high salaried job and paid many thousands in tax, probably more than most of the members of this forum will ever pay,

i've applied for many menial jobs and am always told that my PHD makes me over qualified,

i regularly do voluntary work as a form of therapy,


however i'm constantly aware of the stigma of unemployment, this forum is rife with it, constant references to "scrounging" and "dole scum"


can someone explain why this is?


my forfathers fought hard for this system so that people with problems werent thrown in the workhouse or left to rot,


because of the situation i've found myself in am i no longer allowed any rights? or a voice?


i'm sure i'll be bullied out or referred to as a troll but i genuinely am interested.

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You are a troll. A bad troll but i wont bully you.

No you dont need to be ashamed of being out of work but WANT to work. and if you want to work then go look for a job and stop wasting your time making stupid posts on here.

Good luck :)

P.S. The good luck was me being polite.

Your a troll. :P

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Horses for courses if you cant work then you cant, if you can afford not to work then good on you, I think what gets most peoples backs up is the people that choose not to work even when they are able to and need to but choose to live off benefits, we have all seen and met many who claim benefits is better for them financially compared to working 40 hours in a menial job, most are not prepared to lower themselves to menial jobs when they can get similar amounts of money by not working, the menial jobs can lead to better things and gives a sense in direction, maybe I am old school in my mind and think work is better.


Both sides of the coin though, I have seen many desperate for a job, the people skilled and unskilled, truth is not a lot out there.

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You are a troll. A bad troll but i wont bully you.

No you dont need to be ashamed of being out of work but WANT to work. and if you want to work then go look for a job and stop wasting your time making stupid posts on here.

Good luck :)

P.S. The good luck was me being polite.

Your a troll. :P


Well said closet guy this troll is a real idiot,he makes me laugh with cruel internal silent laughter.

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Horses for courses if you cant work then you cant, if you can afford not to work then good on you, I think what gets most peoples backs up is the people that choose not to work even when they are able to and need to but choose to live off benefits, we have all seen and met many who claim benefits is better for them financially compared to working 40 hours in a menial job, most are not prepared to lower themselves to menial jobs when they can get similar amounts of money by not working, the menial jobs can lead to better things and gives a sense in direction, maybe I am old school in my mind and think work is better.


Both sides of the coin though, I have seen many desperate for a job, the people skilled and unskilled, truth is not a lot out there.


thanks for the considered reply,

trust me, what i live on now is a pittance to what i used to earn, i live a very frugal life and only claim for the minimum i'm entitled to,

i cannot return to the industry i was trained in due to my mental health but cannot find employment in a menial role due to my high level qualifications,


so all thats left to me is voluntary work,

but yet i'm still chastised for being unemployed!

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