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What does this tell us about the Tories?

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During the 80s when the Nasty Party were last in office there were riots, strikes and social disorder. In the 13 years that Labour were in office there were hardly any strikes and to my knowledge no riots at all.


The Nasties have been back in office for a few short months and already we have seen strikes and social disorder back on our streets. It seems likely that these will escalate during the coming months with some even talking of a general strike.


What does this tell us about the Tories?

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To be fair, by the time Labour got back into power the Tories had made it pretty much illegal to strike effectively! ;)


John X


A good point. But the strikes are likely to get much worse in the coming months. The Tories have only just begun the destruction of everything that has been built up in this country since the end of the Second World War.

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I think it tells us more about the 'great unwashed' than it does the Tories.


I think it also tells us that Labore bought the silence of the masses by providng ever increasing benefits, and well funded none jobs in the public sector; funded with money we couldn't afford (didn't have) to spend.


PS If you look hard you'll find plenty of 'riots' during the 13 years of Labore rule; just not 'sour grapes' ones.

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It says the Tories are cutting the, "good time Charlies," non-descript jobs in the civil service.


Really? Name some of the jobs being cut.


Or do you consider police officers, immigration officers, library staff, care assistants, meals on wheels, etc etc as "good time Charlies"? These are the pepole whose jobs are going, not the top bods in the civil service.

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It tells us that they have guts and self esteem and are not going to be pushed into the ground by multi millionnaire Eaton bully boys.


Er, no.


Take tuition fees for instance. What the current lot are doing is bad but why weren't the NUS kicking off like this in 1997 when tuition fees were introduced by Labour?


Ditto for PFI.

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