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What does this tell us about the Tories?

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Tory policy depends on being able to (create) a labour excess so as to disempower the unions. They regard privation as "functional" to their objectives. Which are, getting you to do twice as much for half the money.


After all we can't have mummy and daddy’s little treasures getting their hands dirty can we?


The Labour Party won the '97 election and promptly out Thatchered Thatcher.


The Labour Party let the 'City of London' have its head.


The Unions don't seem to mind about labour excess driving down the pay and conditions of their members, they positively embrace immigration and asylum seekers.

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During the 80s when the Nasty Party were last in office there were riots, strikes and social disorder. In the 13 years that Labour were in office there were hardly any strikes and to my knowledge no riots at all.


The Nasties have been back in office for a few short months and already we have seen strikes and social disorder back on our streets. It seems likely that these will escalate during the coming months with some even talking of a general strike.


What does this tell us about the Tories?


It probably tells you more about a load of loud mouthed low life that only accept the results of a General Election if their party gets elected.

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What does this tell us about the Tories?


It tells me that you have a very selective memory. Riots and the threat of riots were quite common under Labour.


Police fear UK 'summer of rage'


Bradford is fourth city hit by riots


Warning over UK race riot danger



...as were strikes


400,000 public sector workers in biggest strike under Labour


British Airways Christmas strike: passengers vent their anger


Civil servants 'likely' to strike

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Remember any of these strikes?


UK Firefighter strike 2002

Scottish Nursery Nurses Strike (2003)

2007 UK postal strikes

2008 British teacher's strike

United Kingdom council workers' strike (2008, U.K.)

2008 First Group bus strike (U.K.)

2009 Leeds refuse workers strike

2009 UK postal strikes

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So you're telling me that the G20 protest/riot didn't take place under a Labour government then? Must have imagined it then...


Oh that's right, they did. Do you think that might have had anything to do with the preceding Conservative decimation of Britain’s manufacturing/heavy industry? Or perhaps it was the inevitable consequence of the IMF stripping away national political power through the GATS treaty’s?


All politicians are in the service of the banks. The colour of the rosette on their lapel only effects where the weight of culpability is placed. On "benefit scrounging single parents" or on the people who are taking the benefit budget in bonuses...you decide!

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