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What does this tell us about the Tories?

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It tells us that the people who lose out when Labour are in power are the rich and wealthy, It may cost 'em a few more quid in taxes etc but nothing too major as they reap the benefits of the econmic growth which Labour usually delivers. A few Tory worzels may take to the streets if their countryside 'sports' are threatened.


When the Tories are in thousands of working people take to the streets because their very livelihoods are threatened by the Cons policies.


So the rich and wealthy lose out by paying a few quid in tax (I think that you'll find that they manage to avoid those) but benefit due to economic growth.


You seem to be contradicting yourself?

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So the rich and wealthy lose out by paying a few quid in tax (I think that you'll find that they manage to avoid those) but benefit due to economic growth.


You seem to be contradicting yourself?




Not at all, a smaller share (slightly anyway) of a bigger pie.

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During the 80s when the Nasty Party were last in office there were riots, strikes and social disorder. In the 13 years that Labour were in office there were hardly any strikes and to my knowledge no riots at all.


The Nasties have been back in office for a few short months and already we have seen strikes and social disorder back on our streets. It seems likely that these will escalate during the coming months with some even talking of a general strike.


What does this tell us about the Tories?

It tells us they they always get left with the mess Labour makes and have to put things right, rather than just carrying on spending the country into bankruptcy.


Those who benefit from a feckless, lazy life under Labour don't like it when common sense returns.

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That’s stretching it a bit isn’t it , we all know that brown is responsible for a world wide recession :roll: but now you want us to believe that the rioters weren’t complaining about the other 19 finance ministers. :hihi:


Not really, I was responding to the claim that there were no riots under the Labour government and that was the first one I could think of. Someone else has since posted a list of several others though.

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i think we need a 50/50 mix of the labour and tory policies... if that is ever possible.


protect the NHS

protect the elderly/genuine disabled benefits

dont privatise everything just because your pals run huge multinationals that can take over


do make benefit cheats pay harshly

do make people work for benefits even if say part time

do make prison hard

dont let just anyone walk into the country and claim

do tax the rich, but not to the extent they leave the UK

do make the savings needed in the procurement of army/navy equipment

dont get involved in someone elses war


i could go on....

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During the 80s when the Nasty Party were last in office there were riots, strikes and social disorder. In the 13 years that Labour were in office there were hardly any strikes and to my knowledge no riots at all.


The Nasties have been back in office for a few short months and already we have seen strikes and social disorder back on our streets. It seems likely that these will escalate during the coming months with some even talking of a general strike.


What does this tell us about the Tories?


The rioting and protesting says more about the rioters and protesters than it does about the coalition.

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I think it tells us more about the 'great unwashed' than it does the Tories.


I think it also tells us that Labore bought the silence of the masses by providng ever increasing benefits, and well funded none jobs in the public sector; funded with money we couldn't afford (didn't have) to spend.


PS If you look hard you'll find plenty of 'riots' during the 13 years of Labore rule; just not 'sour grapes' ones.


Here here.

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It says that they are *slightly* more able to face the seriousness of the financial crisis the country is in.


Only slightly though, they're still being somewhat soft about tackling the problem.


Doubtless you probably think that the money for public services comes from a magic box that, no matter how much you take out, it never empties.


As an analogy, Labour are like a weak-willed uncle letting you eat what you like, use your parents credit card, trash your house and to hell with any consequences.


The Tories are like the "bad cop" parent who comes along afterward and makes you clean up the mess and grounds you for a month.


To a child (or a child-minded person), the weak uncle is the good guy, the "nasty" parent the bad guy.


Those of us who actually grew up might see things differently.

Too true! but you are never going to get the sad old leftie who started this post agreeing with you.
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During the 80s when the Nasty Party were last in office there were riots, strikes and social disorder. In the 13 years that Labour were in office there were hardly any strikes and to my knowledge no riots at all.


The Nasties have been back in office for a few short months and already we have seen strikes and social disorder back on our streets. It seems likely that these will escalate during the coming months with some even talking of a general strike.


What does this tell us about the Tories?

We certainly know what it tells us about you!...............very repetitive,very boring ,very sad!
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