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How big a fine will I get ?

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If it’s a first offence you might get the “training” option, then again it could be £60 and 3 points.


Training option won't be an option.


I've just done one of those (35 in a 30 limit). They are only offered for folks who are between 4 and 7 mph above limit. By the way the price went up to £85 on Dec 1st.


There were a total of 88 people on the course that day. Highest speed was 36 in 30 limit.


So fine and points is only option. Probably £60 and 3 points if you are lucky, £90 and 3 points if you aren't.

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I know I'm going to get some abuse from some on here, but I was wondering what my fine is going to be.


55mph in a 40 zone. A617 between Mansfield and Nottingham. Letter is from Derbyshire police.


Fortunately for you, perhaps, there are provisions in the Road Safety Act of 2006 (not activated as yet) to allow for roadside FPN's of between 2 and 6 points, not just the standard 3. 55 in a 40 would probably qualify for 5 or 6 if the provisions had been enacted. The last govt. let it be known that they were backtracking away from allowing a 2-pointer FPN on the basis that no offence could be seen as that trivial. Who know what the ConDems will do with it.

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£60 sp30 standard fine and 3 points. you only go to court if you are 20 mph or more over the limit. but you will be hit by the insurance company.




My speeding fine (in 2004) had no affect on my insurance premium at all! Unless things have changed since then!

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I can't really complain can I ?


For the record, it was a wide bit of road out in the countryside, so 40mph is slightly surprising, but I clearly didn't see the signs, so I'm banged to rights m'lud..


You should get no abuse; nobody's perfect, and you know what you did wrong and aren't trying to weasel out of paying for your mistake. Abuse is reserved for those who believe they are perfect and can decide for themselves how fast is safe; and for those who try to edge out of paying.

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Hang on a minute Mansfield is in Notts as is Nottingham. Where do the Derbyshire lads come in? If the ticket was from a mobile Derbys patrol might be worth pointing out that they were out of their patch. Don't know if it will make a difference but clutching at straws is better than 3 points.

As a rule of thumb it used to be generally accepted that 7-14 mph over the limit was £60+ 3 points, 15 mph and above was a summons to appear, and 30+ was goodbye license.

Things might have changed a bit nowadays though


checking my notice again...its the A617 in Doe Lea. I was getting confused with the route I took that day. I got caught just after the duel carriageway from J29 towards Mansfield. Very stupid place to get done as I know its a place that cameras have been in the past.

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me too :(...that was 5 year ago, the points have been cleared now though, think after 3 years you can have them removed, you have to pay though :roll:



Sod that lol, they can stay there. It was a couple of years ago now so i'm not sure how time is left on em :hihi:


I was mad about the fine though but i deserved it :rolleyes::D

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