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Ronald McDonald to be executed Feb 11.

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We are the Food Liberation Army, and we hope that this extreme action will take us towards a better and safer food future.


Two days ago we kidnapped Ronald McDonald from a McDonald's Restaurant. If you do not answer all the questions we will execute Ronald on Friday February 11, 2011 at 6:30PM EET.


We love burgers, fries and McDonald's, but we can no longer watch silent when the food we love is being destroyed and brought to shame because of greed and indifference. Because of your short-sightedness your burgers have become nearly inedible.


That is why we want to help McDonald's to save food. We made you a list of questions we want you to answer. We hope that your answers will make you understand the dilapidation of the food culture we love and the appropriate measures.


1. Why are you not open about the manufacturing processes, raw materials and additives used in your products? What are you afraid?


2. How many tons of un-recycled waste you produce per year? Why do you not publish that figure?


3. Do you operate with unethical actors, such as illegal immigrants? Why?


4. Why do not you take responsibility of your culinary consequences? Why do you not seek to prevent obesity, diabetes and their ramification deceases?


5. Why do you not just use ethically produced meat? Do you not think it should be a goal for everyone to serve meat of an animal that has has had a good, clean and drug free life? Why is it not your goal?


6. Why is cheap production cost your main value?


7. Do you think your only goal is to maximize your owners´s profits? What do you think would happen if you begin to produce quality to your customers?


8. You are big and global player that reaches a significant part of the earth's people. Why do you use your power to short-sightedly maximize profits and not to create a better world ?


We are not alone, but represent a rapidly growing population. We have moved quickly towards better quality and ethicality of consumption. It is in your interest to answer our questions publicly, and develop your activities through them. Only this way you will survive in the future. Listen to our message and the Move. We will reward you by eating more of your burgers.


You have until Friday February 11 at 6:30PM EET to respond to freedomronald@gmail.com.


Silence is interpreted a negative answer. Have a nice day.



What is the world coming to.

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There's always plenty of other places to get a burger if McDonalds isn't good enough.

The best burgers in my part of the world are from In' N Out but there are others which serve up pretty good ones also


But McDonnalds and Burger King have taken over and monopolised the fast food world along with KFC.


When you pull into a service station it's always one of the big 3 that operate. They are almost unavoidable! This is their marketing campaign. Wipe out the competition to give the consumer as little choice as possible!

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But McDonnalds and Burger King have taken over and monopolised the fast food world along with KFC.


When you pull into a service station it's always one of the big 3 that operate. They are almost unavoidable! This is their marketing campaign. Wipe out the competition to give the consumer as little choice as possible!


Aren't there any entrepreneurs in the UK? Some of the best burgers are sold by small one person businesses in my part of the world. If they are prepared correctly with choice beef, the fries done right and most importantly always served fresh they will always do a steady and profitable businees. Thry may never expand to become anything larger but they will always have loyal steady customers


Also, these places dont get wiped out by McDonalds or any other fast food chain.

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he should be kill himself for the crap that is sold under his name :hihi:


Sold forcibly?


I'm no fan of MacDonald's but nobody forces anyone to eat there.


They provide a product, people then decide if they want to buy it. Mr. demand, meet Mr. supply. That's proper capitalism.

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1. Why are you not open about the manufacturing processes, raw materials and additives used in your products? What are you afraid? They are open, why would they have set up a website specifically for people who had questions about McDonalds if they weren't open, if 23 thousand answers to questions isn't open, then I don't know what more you would want. http://www.makeupyourownmind.co.uk


2. How many tons of un-recycled waste you produce per year? Why do you not publish that figure? http://www.makeupyourownmind.co.uk


3. Do you operate with unethical actors, such as illegal immigrants? Why? Do you even have any evidence for this or are you picking stuff out of thin air?


4. Why do not you take responsibility of your culinary consequences? Why do you not seek to prevent obesity, diabetes and their ramification deceases? McDonalds serves some of the healthiest foods on the high street, you wouldn't be able to buy a bag of fruit, or carrots in most other fast food restaurants, there is more than enough healthy choice at McDonalds, if people choose not to buy it, then that's their choice, the option is there.


5. Why do you not just use ethically produced meat? Do you not think it should be a goal for everyone to serve meat of an animal that has has had a good, clean and drug free life? Why is it not your goal? How do you know the cows don't live a good, clean life? I lead you to this article from the BBC where McDonalds were praised for their treatment of cows, news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/4338308.stm, also, all their eggs are free range.

6. Why is cheap production cost your main value? To maximise profit? Like any other business probably.

7. Do you think your only goal is to maximize your owners´s profits? What do you think would happen if you begin to produce quality to your customers? Like 100% Beef in the burgers, free range eggs, coffee made fresh from the bean?..etc


8. You are big and global player that reaches a significant part of the earth's people. Why do you use your power to short-sightedly maximize profits and not to create a better world ? They employ more than a million people across the world. Invest heavily in sport globally



Just to be clear I'm no big supporter of McDonalds and no I don't work there, but if you're going to slate something at least get your facts right. Fact is, if you don't like it, don't eat there, it's really really simple. I think people think it's cool to follow the trend to hate on fast food restaurants when it's really just boring and makes you look like an ignorant sheep =)


Oh an "Because of your short-sightedness your burgers have become nearly inedible." - Over 10 million people every day say you're wrong.

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