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BBC Biased, Goverment Paid Propaganda !

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did you read my post earlier about israel?


Mubarak is liked by the west because hes just about the only leader in the region that is on friendly terms with one of our allies.israel


We don't live in amercia and as such majority of Brit public see no benefit it fully supporting a regime such as isreal


One of the reason why isreal exerts so much pressure on western politics is due to jewfish lobby's !


Yes west likes Mubarak hence why he I given money and weapons while he runs a dictatorship !


Like every one says western puppet , much like saddam

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Tv licence tax is a direct way to fund a

Corporation which is used by the Goverment to extend / promote it's agenda


The BBC is not the media wing of the Government. The Government have no say in what the BBC chooses to broadcast, as proven by the whole WMD dossier debakle, where the Government demonstrated that they could not stop the BBC breaking and reporting on a very damaging (to them) story.


Now for u to imply that's it's just a cooncidence that we are very hostile

Towards Iran and that we paY 70 million to broadcast ( want can only be described as Goverment paid propaganda ) in to the nation !


How much of the BBC Persian TV have you watched and how much of the BBC Persian website have you read in order to be able to class it as propaganda? Just because the Government has decided that it feels that western media should be available in Iran doesn't mean they control what it outputs.


The BBC, and all media is there to serve it's audience. What the audience demands and what is really happening in the world are often two different things. Look at two big continuing stories we have in this country - paedophilia and islamic terrorists. If you look at any of the media, they count these as two of the biggist threats to us, when actually, they're both pretty minor compared to things which affect all of us each day - more people in this country have been killed in 2011 due to speeding motorists than have ever been killed by suicide bombers. More children are being molested today by family members than there are paedo's convicted or looking for children.


With that in mind, what is going to attract more viewers / readers - pictures of probable terrorists being killed by allied forces, or pictures of British soldiers being killed (whose family's will probably be watching).

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That article's nearly four years old... a lot's happened since then.


Remember Israel's last murderous rampage in the Gaza Strip a few years back, when the BBC shamefully refused to air a DEC fund raising appeal on behalf of Palestinian civilians because the Beeb didn't want to seem biased?

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Same reason why BBC and others don't show the ugly side of the war is the same reason why bush did not allow pictures Of coffins being flown back to the states :


WMDS story which was the biggest of century " millions dead due to lies or that God spoke to the president " which ever it is the story was droped quickly and did not effet the Goverment or it's policy's !!!


Dr Kelly who died for his trouble was not the first to claim about so called lies used to wage war ! He was the first prominent figure to say so! Hence the story could not ignored ( another example of this are the fraudulent afghan elections!



As for iran and ur claims of harmless broadcasting , let's not forget 30 years of sanctions against them , no one even battering. Eye lid when Iraq launches brutal war against them and now they probly be bombed by us or allies in the next year or so , so please don't day BBC perisa for the iranains is fair and balanced with no agenda

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As for iran and ur claims of harmless broadcasting,


Didn't mention the word harmless...


let's not forget 30 years of sanctions against them , no one even battering. Eye lid when Iraq launches brutal war against them


Would that be the war we wanted to happen, even to the point of giving weapons to Saddam in order to encourage him to do so?


and now they probly be bombed by us or allies in the next year or so ,


And the FCO grant to the BBC is relevant in which way?


so please don't day BBC perisa for the iranains is fair and balanced with no agenda


Well, since all foreign media are banned from Iran, it's probably fairer and more balanced than anything which is available internally. Reducing services available, as the Iranian Government have and are trying to do with BBC Persia, is the worst way of combatting alleged bias - let people make their own minds up about it, by being able to consume a range of sources.


I don't really understand what your problem is? Is it that the BBC are involved in services that you can't access / targeted at foreigners? Or that you have to pay for these services? Or believe that foreigners don't want these services? Or that there's something wrong with international media describing the world as they see it? I'm guessing it's more to do with your inability to believe anything you're told by the media and Governments and instead search for the conspiracy because everything they say are blatant liars and anyone who supports them is brainwashed or part of the conspiracy?

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