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BBC Biased, Goverment Paid Propaganda !

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Didn't mention the word harmless...




Would that be the war we wanted to happen, even to the point of giving weapons to Saddam in order to encourage him to do so?


( saddam was given vast amount of weapons from all western powers! as for encouraging we talking about geo poltics here , when a country invades another and no one even peeps at the UN that is encouragement enough!




And the FCO grant to the BBC is relevant in which way? ( quite obviously Goverment A is Hostile to Goverment B, Gov A pays Millions so that Population of Gov B are shown Gov A version of events!


its called Propaganda and i think you should get out of your head that the word propaganda only applies to Soviet or Nazi type of Broadcasting! things are done in a more subtle way now days! ( well for now any way! )




Well, since all foreign media are banned from Iran, it's probably fairer and more balanced than anything which is available internally. Reducing services available, as the Iranian Government have and are trying to do with BBC Persia, is the worst way of combatting alleged bias - let people make their own minds up about it, by being able to consume a range of sources.





I don't really understand what your problem is? Is it that the BBC are involved in services that you can't access / targeted at foreigners? Or that you have to pay for these services? Or believe that foreigners don't want these services? Or that there's something wrong with international media describing the world as they see it? I'm guessing it's more to do with your inability to believe anything you're told by the media and Governments and instead search for the conspiracy because everything they say are blatant liars and anyone who supports them is brainwashed or part of the conspiracy?


example of international Media all of 7 american/world media empire are owned by one Group of People! is that fair and balanced? these 7 Confederates are all pro isreali , pro zionists , owned by the Jewish minority ( well all apart from one Rupert Murdochs News Corp , which if u know is ironically more pro Zionist than any of the others )


no one said any one spouts blantant lies its all about how you propagate a story ( many examples i have given ) yes there is no direct control over BBC by the Goverment but no one can deny they are Pro Goverment and the way they report on current events is always more pro Bias,



Now i think the most obvious and most important is how the war in Afghanistan is reported!

you said its to do with viewer numbers and family feelings, do you still stand by that?

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yes there is no direct control over BBC by the Goverment but no one can deny they are Pro Goverment and the way they report on current events is always more pro Bias,


So the BBC isn't broadcasting Government propaganda, just broadcasting stuff which puts shows British actions in a positive light, but because they want to, not because the Government wants them to?



Now i think the most obvious and most important is how the war in Afghanistan is reported!

you said its to do with viewer numbers and family feelings, do you still stand by that?


Yup. I suggest you do some research into what drives television news and newspapers to decide what stories to cover. I certainly don't think for one moment that the decision for BBC / ITV / Sky / France 24 / RT / CNN / Al Jazerra and all the other 24 hour news channels to not show British or other individuals being killed is a decision made by the Government for the reasons of propaganda.

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No friend the Goverment paid 70 million cuz it thinks BBC should send out propaganda into a nation which it is very very hostile towards


How obvious is that and u keep banging on about gov don't have no influence over BBC


Let me repeat gov paid 70 million

Same gov which over 30 years would very much like a regime change in Iran , preff a shah type dictator



And yes of coarse it is propaganda ,

The same Propaganda as bush not allowing picture of dead soldiers coffins , the same as not showing afgan weekly anti occupation demonstrations etc !!!

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No friend the Goverment paid 70 million cuz it thinks BBC should send out propaganda into a nation which it is very very hostile towards


How obvious is that and u keep banging on about gov don't have no influence over BBC


Let me repeat gov paid 70 million

Same gov which over 30 years would very much like a regime change in Iran , preff a shah type dictator



Yup. I suggest you do some research into what drives television news and newspapers to decide what stories to cover. I certainly don't think for one moment that the decision for BBC / ITV / Sky / France 24 / RT / CNN / Al Jazerra and all the other 24 hour news channels to not show British or other individuals being killed is a decision made by the Government for the reasons of propaganda.


You've just be shown it?

(Maybe not the actual death, but no reasonable person would!)

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Two recent deaths in Afghanistan.


A lad of 20 years old and another whose wife was pregnant with their first kid :(


Yes another 2 who are died cuz some one thinks there were terrorist trainIng camps or secret hide out caves in that country ! ( funny we never found s trace )


At least we are allowed to see coffins being brought back home , the Americans were denied that right for years and when Obama lifted that restrctions all the networks carried the story then one by one stop reporting on it at all !

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