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BBC Biased, Goverment Paid Propaganda !

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if the bbc and western goverments what to call mubaraks regime a quote " force for good " or the government that is them pushing their view!



Where on earth does it call mubaraks regime "a force for good" in the article I linked to?

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A little baffled by one quote appearing to be against US "corporate statism" - and the next from a former president of the corporate state (president as I seem to recall during the "Bay of Pigs" incident and the escalation of US involvement in Vietnam).


Pressident who was also murdered 10 days after he said " we are a posed around the world by a vast and ruthless conspiracy ....,.,."

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if the bbc and western goverments what to call mubaraks regime a quote " force for good " or the government that is them pushing their view!


if they whant to be fair and balanced things will be called for what they are:

many examples can be given


The BBC are saying nothing about the two main reasons for the revolution. First reason Mubarak is a tyrant oppressor who jails and tortures anyone that has the courage to peacefully oppose him. The second reason is Mubarak is an american agent installed to slavishly serve Zionism and does exactly what America tells him to which is usually what Israel wants.


The BBC has said nothing about the main slogans being chanted in Tahrir sqaure calling Mubarak a slave of Israel and America.


The BBC have instead been saying the revolution is all about socio economic issues and people wanting western democracy. The BBC are state controlled by the British government and misguide the British public on a daily basis with British government lies. Greg Dyke tried to be independent and expose Blair as a liar during the invasion of Iraq and look what happened to him.

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Where on earth does it call mubaraks regime "a force for good" in the article I linked to?


Blair said recently he is a force for good!


Also to expand how Many times has BBC said Mubarak has only been on power due to his ruthless oppression of his people ? Or are those words only good enough for saddams rule ( after gulf wars of coarse ad before he wad west hero)

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The BBC are saying nothing about the two main reasons for the revolution. First reason Mubarak is a tyrant oppressor who jails and tortures anyone that has the courage to peacefully oppose him. The second reason is Mubarak is an american agent installed to slavishly serve Zionism and does exactly what America tells him to which is usually what Israel wants.


The BBC has said nothing about the main slogans being chanted in Tahrir sqaure calling Mubarak a slave of Israel and America.


The BBC have instead been saying the revolution is all about socio economic issues and people wanting western democracy. The BBC are definately a mouth piece of the British government and misguide the British public on a daily basis.



Well the People of Egypt are in between a rock and hard place now

If they do have real democracy they can expect sanctions and branded as islamist terrorist

Or they can have another Mubarak type , next one is being prepared on side lines ( Ie Baradie who is mentioned daily in western reports but who is hardly known by Egyptians )

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