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America rules the world..

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Why, British troops of course. After all, which other country is willing to throw her sons and daughters into somebody elses war?




That's a curious statement. Sort what out? The last time British troops got involved in Egypt was 1956. The operation was a complete **** up and Nasser ended up getting the Suez Canal anyway. It also made him a hero of gigantic proportions in the Arab world and after the Soviets filled his arsenal with tanks and guns led him to believe he could attack and destroy Israel just over a decade later.


There's many an Indian, African, Australian, Canadian, New Zealander, Gurkha and Irishman who fought for Britain in wars that were not theirs strictly speaking. It all comes down to allies standing by each other when needed. That's why we have NATO.

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Unlike the Brits.:hihi:


Have you any idea how many wars British forces have fought in since the end of WWll?


If you include operations that could not be classiifed as war:







Northern Ireland

The Falklands




Cant think of any more

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...what if Egyptians elected a new government that, while not openly declaring war on Israel, was openly sympathetic to the Palestinian cause?


Do you mean a government which opened its borders to Palestine, which allowed Palestinians to import whatever they liked and granted Palestinians right of residence on its own soil?

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If you include operations that could not be classiifed as war:







Northern Ireland

The Falklands




Cant think of any more


Here are a few more:







VietNam (yes they were.)




Sierra Leone

and, of course, the USSR.


That brings it up to 20. There may have been more but I can't think of them.

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America seems to be very involved in the actions that are happening in Egypt...they seem to be putting pressure on the present government to resign...

why are they getting so involved.? we dont see China Russia or any other country getting involved..I am not a USA knocker, i just wonder why they always get so involved in other peoples business...do they honestly want to help...or do they always have ulterior motives..?





no we don't see china and russia getting involved ,,a long with india they just keep quiet and keep on trading and making billions.

human rights are for the western idiots like the US and UK as for as they're concerned.

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You noticed.:hihi:


50 years ago there was a British Colony in a place called Rhodesia. The Colonials made loads of money, provided jobs for lots of people (jobs which hadn't existed before they got there) provided medical care, provided schools and their farms produced enough food to feed much of Africa. Rhodesia was 'the breadbasket of Africa'.


Then came independence (nothing wrong with that) and the nasty colonials were driven out! Rodesia was re-named Zimbabwe and was put 'under new management'. Most of the British farmers (though some of them had been there for generations and no longer thought of themselves as 'British') left.


The new management took over running the country (nothing wrong with that, either) but they also took over running agriculture ... which (it seems) they weren't very good at doing. 'The breadbasket of Africa' became one of the basket cases of Africa.


Then along came the Chinese. They have a growing population and need more land to feed that population. They didn't colonise anywhere - they pay rent for the land they use (though I doubt much of that money finds its way to the local people.) The Chinese will grow food in Zimbabwe and send that food to China. They will probably use local labour working under Chinese supervision .


I wonder how much money China will pour into healthcare, schools and programmes which will benefit the local people?


Why should they? They are not nasty colonials; they're businessmen who have entered into a land rental agreement with other business people. Their side of the bargain requires them to pay rent. It's up to the government to look after their people.

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