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America rules the world..

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well put mr baher......A few years ago in canberra the communist chinese] :Dwere building their new (huge)embassy ,because they were security paranoid they were allowed to import their own tradesmen,along with coolie hats ,thongs ,bicycle type wheel barrows,micky mouse tools and chinese wages .till the left wing cmfeu building union(which could only exist in a capitilist country )found out and made them pay local rates in cash ,a small fortune at cmfeu rates ,living away from home allowences and proper safety kit:D:D:D:o

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The thing is, John, what the Chinese are doing in their non-colonial exploitation of the world is called 'business'.


I admire the Chinese. They have learned (from the Boxer rebellion onwards) that you can't fight the ferenghee, but you CAN beat them at their own game.


I spent a lot of my life in the military. I supose it's fair to say that I do know a bit about the theories of war.


When I was first given a problem to consider which concerned the Chinese, I approached that problem from a military vierwpoint. I got nowhere. The Chinese also study military tactics (we all use the same set of books;)) but - having been unable to get any sort of answer from thinking the way I'd previously been taught to think, my teachers invited me to think in a different way.


If your long-term plan (Strategic plan) is 5 years (life of a British/Australian government?) and your short-term pan (tactical plan) is one year (interval between budgets?) then how does that compare with the Chinese system?


When did the Chinese last have a change of government? When did they last restructure their spending?


Long term planning (for them) is - I suggest - measured in decades. Many decades.


They are in no hurry.


The Communist Chinese are better capitalists than the West.


And why not?


Every coin has two sides. Capitalism is one side; communism is the other.


If you're trying to develop your economy, thne you need to pay the people. The coin with which you pay the people will have two sides.


Communist China can't survive without capitalism (and they know that.)


They can't survive without cheap communist practices (low pay, hard work, no care, mistreated underclass) either.


Nobody complains when the Chinese do it.

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according to Radio 4 this morning, The Muslim Brotherhood will not be standing for presidnetial elections.


America does not rule the world, it has some substantial opposition in the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) whos membership might expand to include Brazil in the near future.


The fact that the US is getting involved in Egypt suggests to me a country afraid that it's part in a lucrative middle east power arrangement might come to a close. Their efforts to control the so called transition process (framed here as righteous opposition to the radical islamic muslim brotherhood) mask efforts to manipulate the political upheaval to benefit itself and an established political elite already extant in the country, rather than protecting access to a truly representative democracy led by the egyptian people.



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Hyde Park on a sunny Sunday afternoon. Couples humping under blankets ? :hihi:


Seriously it's all down to individually what we call nature at it's best. I dont doubt there are places in Europe that are wonderful to visit but there is always a villlage, people and traffic around every bend. You cant escape from the world in Europe

Give me the Colorado or the Canadian Rockies any day of the week when there are times when you think you're the only one left


Indeed. You have clearly not been to the more remote parts of Europe :) Maybe that would be best discussed in a new thread as I don't want to divert away from the OP.

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And other leaders like Cameron, Sarkozy and Merkel say thank god it's not us that has to deal with this mess


Probably 'cause in this particular instance it's the USA that has been instrumental in propping up the dictator Mubarak for the last 30 years.


Have you any idea how many wars British forces have fought in since the end of WWll?


Individually, or as part of Nato/UN forces?

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Just listen to Bounce and other extremists on here, their begging for the Islamic Brotherhood to take power and attack Israel!


You are aware that this so called 'brotherhood' only has at best 5-8% following and would never receive any form of power under a proper and free democratic vote.


Listen to the Egyptian people, they don't want a dictator anymore, they don't want radicals or extremists. They want a clear and open democratic system.

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You are aware that this so called 'brotherhood' only has at best 5-8% following and would never receive any form of power under a proper and free democratic vote.[/b][/u]


there's nothing 'so-called' about the Muslim Brotherhood. That's what it's called. Together with Pan-Arabism, Islamic fundamentalism in the Middle East has its origins in Egypt - and with Hasan al Banna's Muslim Brotherhood. The thing is they can't quite decide upon whether to crow about it and slap themselves on the back for being such an important Middle Eastern political movement, or downplay themselves as being inconsequential, the better to play to their 'useful' idiot allies sitting comfortably in the west.


besides you're talking ansolute tosh. They've got at least 25-30% support across Egypt and very possibly more than that. They've got an estimated 600,000 MEMBERS, never mind the people that might only vote for them without joining them. 20% of Egyptians voted for MB in the 2005 elections when they couldn't even stand everywhere they wanted to, and many of their leading candidates couldn't stand, because they were in jail.


if they pick up a third of the vote then they can end up governing the country easily, especially one with the weak insititutions any 'new' Egypt will have. Don't forget Hitler managed to set up an absolute dictatorship with about that.

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You are aware that this so called 'brotherhood' only has at best 5-8% following and would never receive any form of power under a proper and free democratic vote.


Listen to the Egyptian people, they don't want a dictator anymore, they don't want radicals or extremists. They want a clear and open democratic system.


Yes, I know, it's clear if you read all my posts...


Issue is they didn't have a plan, just a start, the vacuum left is where the Brotherhood were trying to get in... The Brotherhood are plain racists at best, terrorists at worst (depends on which reports you read).


Glad you've changed your controversial "location" Baz1

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