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I see you've given this matter a lot of thought :)




Obviously read a lot... But i'd say that it's about 5 to 1 from the numerous articles i've read against. But the articles are spread over time so much that I have ask relevancy, etc... The bloke who started this was a recruiter for the Nazis, Osama Bin Laden used to be a member, there is links to Hamas, etc...


Personally I don't want the Islamic / Muslim Brotherhood to take control of Egypt or anywhere because they are hard line religious fanatics!


You probably want them to take power because of your hatred for Jews, eh JB!

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I am no supporter of religion in politics and feel uneasy at the prospect of an islamic state in Egypt. The Muslim Brotherhood themselves state that they are not looking to lead Egypt and will not place any presidential candidates http://www.ikhwanweb.com/article.php?id=27979 if they are to be trusted we will have to look elsewhere to stoke our fears of radical islam.


I suspect that whatthe egyptians will get is pretty much what they have now, a ruling elite in luxurious obscurity immune to the to-ing and fro-ing of democratic politics hopefully minus the beatings and extra-judicial arrests.

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I suspect that whatthe egyptians will get is pretty much what they have now, a ruling elite in luxurious obscurity immune to the to-ing and fro-ing of democratic politics hopefully minus the beatings and extra-judicial arrests.


As long as Egyptians have food in their bellies and aren't surviving on $2 a day, then surely that's an improvment over the current situation?

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"surely that's an improvment over the current situation? "


It is


"Have you any evidence of that? Is it true for all?


Or are you just trolling as usual? "


Spooky3, you are funny, your own posts are so littered with unsubstantiated 'facts' how can you ask others for evidence?


"The bloke who started this was a recruiter for the Nazis, Osama Bin Laden used to be a member, there is links to Hamas, etc...


Personally I don't want the Islamic / Muslim Brotherhood to take control of Egypt or anywhere because they are hard line religious fanatics!"

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"surely that's an improvment over the current situation? "


It is


"Have you any evidence of that? Is it true for all?


Or are you just trolling as usual? "


Spooky3, you are funny, your own posts are so littered with unsubstantiated 'facts' how can you ask others for evidence?


"The bloke who started this was a recruiter for the Nazis, Osama Bin Laden used to be a member, there is links to Hamas, etc...


Personally I don't want the Islamic / Muslim Brotherhood to take control of Egypt or anywhere because they are hard line religious fanatics!"


I've posted links for those before, but let me have a shower and i'll find them again for you!



Have you studied JB's cynical posts, he is a real troll!

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Have you any evidence of that? Is it true for all?


I could point you in the direction of reliable sources, but your amazing ability to tread water while drowning in your own ignorance is far more amusing.


Have you noticed that coloured writing underneath my posts? The one that says Al Jazeera English? Click it!


Or are you just trolling as usual?


Oh I'm sorry, did somebody post an opinion different to yours? That's very naughty of them :nono: Nobody is allowed to question any of your posts, because you invented the Internet, and you invented computers, and you invented Sheffield Forum because you are Steve Jobs


x x x

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You are aware that this so called 'brotherhood' only has at best 5-8% following and would never receive any form of power under a proper and free democratic vote.


Listen to the Egyptian people, they don't want a dictator anymore, they don't want radicals or extremists. They want a clear and open democratic system.



What percentage of the egyptian people do you think are in the square demonstrating out of 80 million people?I'm not a supporter of mubarak ,but egypt reminds me of burma were i was last year .just about everybody you speak to hates the generals and the system ,but a lot of them have some family member or relative in the military ,police ,or goverment..they do want change but are terriified of retribution

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