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St Andrews Church, Sharrow


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I was talking to nan today and she was reminicing about when she got married at St Andrews Chuch, in sharrow, in 1942. As her granson i'm very interested in the history of my family. She has given me a photo of her wedding day taken by the star.

I would love to know if the church is still there and if i can get a copy of her wedding certificate or any info relating to this special day so i can give her some feedback.

any help would be appreciated.

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  • 2 years later...

I was married in St Andrews Church, Sharrow in 1969. We were married by Canon Robson. This Friday we will be celebrating our 44th wedding anniversary. Before I was married I made a drawing of the church doors and used the drawing to create my wedding invitations. I worked for CA & FD Walker, commercial artists, at the time and was therefore able to use their facilities to screen print the invitations. I still have one in my wedding collection. The church doors were beautiful and I think dated back several hundred years. I was devasted when I heard that the church had had to be demolished and have often wondered what happened to those lovely church doors. My husband was christened, confirmed and attended Scouts at St Andrews Church, so he could probably tell you more about it (if he can remember).

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  • 2 years later...

Today is our Diamond wedding anniversary. We were married at St.Andrews church,Sharrow on the 15th October 1955, by R.Robson. This was the same vicar that christened our two sons in 1957 and 1959. We moved down to the west country in 1987 and were so very sad to learn this most beautiful church had been demolished, to make way for housing. Could anybody please tell us what has happened to those lovely church doors?


Jean and Brian Gregory.

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It was demolished, quite suddenly as it developed cracks and was judged unsafe and beyond repair.


St Andrew Sharrow, the Anglican parish church on St Andrew's Road, was dedicated in 1869 to meet the growing needs of the Victorian suburb. It was a fine church, built on the brow of the hill, with a capacity of 700 and a stone spire which could be seen for miles around. Unfortunately it had almost no foundations, and towards the end of the 20th century, the nave and transepts began to crack alarmingly, as the clay on which the church was built dried out. By the end of 1996 the church was no longer safe to use, and the congregation moved out into the Church Centre next door (now St Andrew's Hall).


The old parish church was demolished in 2000 and the land sold (it now has the Monarch's Gate apartments on it). The proceeds were used towards a major redevelopment of the former Psalter Lane Methodist Church (now St Andrew's Psalter Lane), designed by Peter Wright of the architects Peter Wright+Martyn Phelps, and carried out by T &C Williams in 2002-3.



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