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State multiculturalism has failed, says David Cameron

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How can anyone take this poster seriously, continuously dismisses and questions every post/poster he disagrees with then posts unfounded claptrap like this, 'spin'drift...prove it :hihi:
Come on Spindrift - show your evidence for this one, please.
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What, you're saying I can't go home? :hihi:


You were asked to provide proof that "no-go areas" exist.


You cited a lone muslim nut job who shouted at a politician as proof that E11 is a "no go area" for white people.


I live there.


I'm white.


Your claims are bogus and dishonest.


no go areas exist in the sense that some people are afraid to go to those areas for whatever reason. to say they don't exist is wrong in that it shoots down those who voice their fear of going to those places and stifles discussion. and it shirks from looking into why those in those areas 'project' whatever image they do to those afraid to go to their areas. it's an inflammatory label, but look further and it does have merit as a discussion tool.

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The timing only provides succour to the EDL and those in their number with grievous intentions today. It also galvanises the impressionable Muslim youth, who might have sat at home and watched the television instead..light the blue touchpaper and stand well back.


Sorry I don't agree I think he has neutralised extremists on both sides.

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no go areas exist in the sense that some people are afraid to go to those areas for whatever reason. to say they don't exist is wrong in that it shoots down those who voice their fear of going to those places and stifles discussion. and it shirks from looking into why those in those areas 'project' whatever image they do to those afraid to go to their areas. it's an inflammatory label, but look further and it does have merit as a discussion tool.


I'm not afraid to go home.


The police deny no go areas exist.


Residents deny no go areas exist.


The statistics demonstrate no go areas don't exist.


Conrod's "proof" is a single nutter shouting at a politician.

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The Indie picture is better:




It's reckless and irresponsible talk, pandering to the lowest common demoninator is never a good idea.




Everywhere you go in England you can see the brilliant success of multi-culturalism- people living side by side, getting on, marrying other aces and living in harmony.


Cameron's a fool.

Would that be in middle England because the description certainly doesnt apply to Darnall,Cheetham Hill,St Pauls etc etc

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Nissa Finney and Ludi Simpson from Manchester university – have written a book that comprehensively debunks the myths of segregation. It shows how they arise from misreading the figures and ignoring the real problems of racism and rising economic inequality (see below).


Unlike most books written by academics, Finney and Simpson’s work is written in non-technical prose and structured into short, punchy chapters that tackle each myth head on. It also includes a wealth of material on how to interpret statistics about race, ethnicity and immigration – and how these figures have been used and abused in the past.


“Our aim was to write something in plain English that would get through to a lot of readers,” Ludi told Socialist Worker. “We also wanted to get through to the politicians and journalists who deal with the issues that the book addresses.


“Although I’m now a professor at a university, I spent the majority of my working life at a local council as a statistician in Bradford, which is where I still live.”




Apology accepted, don't call people liars, just ask them politely for their source.


I don't care who has written whatever, they are probably as deluded as you, and don't keep suggesting people are racist when you don't know anything about them. As for people who tell 'Socialist Worker' anything, I would not give them the time of day :thumbsup:

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You may have your group of friends such as you describe, but you generally sound like your any other British person, doing the same as many do.


There's time's i'll be around one group or another, but in essence we always fit into the society at large.


true. and so we should; fit in, that is. and we can all keep our own separate identities etc, culture and religion included. i think the idea some have of expecting 'integration' to mean everyone has all these friends from all different races, religions etc is expecting too much and would be the exception rather than the rule.

as long as we all have some common aims and goals, no matter how arbitrary or ill defined, we should be alright.

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