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State multiculturalism has failed, says David Cameron

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On the morning extreme right-wing knuckle draggers from Europe are flying in for the EDL scum march in Luton, Cameron's words are recklessly stupid and provocative.


As our over stuffed multi-cultural society is failing miserably perhaps these "knuckle draggers" might have an (albeit extreme) point.

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Everywhere you go in England you can see the brilliant success of multi-culturalism- people living side by side, getting on, marrying other aces and living in harmony.
Brilliant successes like districts where Asians question a white person's right to walk through the streets?


Brilliant successes like the non-white ghettos that some of our inner cities have become?


Brilliant successes like Asians protestors carrying placards with 'British Police go to hell' or 'British soldiers are baby murderers'?


Brilliant successes like Asian pressure groups demanding Sharia law in the UK?



I do wonder how such things can be justified as success, even by somebody as misguided as you.

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If multiculturalism has failed, how come the UK has the highest rates of inter-racial marriage in Europe?


I doubt that very much, but even if it was true it is because SOME ethnic groups have chosen to integrate into our society. Others clearly haven't.




Britain has highest rate of Islamic terrorist attacks in Europe... FACT

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Where are you claiming this happens?


If you read on spindrift, or do other searches:


That picture is mirrored outside London. One of our country’s biggest and most deprived Muslim areas is Small Heath, in Birmingham, where Dr Tahir Abbas, director of the Centre for the Study of Ethnicity and Culture, was raised. With a dominant Asian monoculture, low social achievement and high unemployment, Small Heath is precisely the kind of insular and disengaged urban ghetto Nazir-Ali was talking about.


Reflecting on his experiences there, Abbas is critical of his peers who don’t stray beyond their area. “They haven’t seen rural Devon, a stately home or Windsor Castle,” he says. That refusal to engage with anything beyond the community is suffocating young Muslims by divorcing them almost entirely from Britain’s cultural heritage and mainstream life.



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