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State multiculturalism has failed, says David Cameron

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Britain has a long history of conflict between Catholics and Protestants, people of the same hue and notionally the same religion. Catholics feel uncomfortable in some areas of Glasgow and Protestants in others and sectarian violence isn't unheard of in Liverpool.


The split between Protestants and Roman Catholics was a different matter and not brought about on racist grounds.

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I know I'm right! I live there!!!!!



So these claims about "no go areas" are clearly bogus and made up.


true, sometimes this 'no go areas shtick is used by people whose own prejudices stop them from being comfortable anywhere outside where they are familiar with or where they're in the majority.

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What does that mean? People should relinquish their religious beliefs and and everything that makes them who they are in order to come here? Are we going to stop the Scots celebrating Burns Night or the Irish St Patrick's Day? Provided it doesn't impact negatively on my way of life or what I choose to do I dont give a monkey's about what others choose to do.


I think like another poster has said you are taking things too far in your argument and I would hope after reading the full speech you will appreciate what the Prime Minister is saying.

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true, sometimes this 'no go areas shtick is used by people whose own prejudices stop them from being comfortable anywhere outside where they are familiar with or where they're in the majority.


exactly. It's like the Egyptian protests. People here are rubbing their hands together and predicting the rise of a fundamentalist muslim state , based on zero evidence.


Racsist WANT to believe in these silly "no-go areas" stories because it vindicates their irrational fear and hatred.

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Your taking it too far... Just what Cameron is on about... :roll:


Precisely that's why I drew that analogy, it's a totally subjective issue, Islam is totally alien to us, but to Muslims it's second nature..like eating neeps & haggis is to Scots.


Pointing a finger at certain minority groups, and highlighting the activities of their extremists is a fair dig, but making sensational statements about more trivial issues is also taking it too far, in my opinion.

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So, can the people who believe in these "no-go areas" explain whether or not I can go home?

My neighbour's white, loads of people on my road are white.

The story's a load of rubbish.

Is it now, is it?


Well, how about you disprove these then:


Previous Home Secretary addressing Muslims in East London and told “How dare you come to a Muslim area”. Followed up by “John Reid should not come to a Muslim area. We do not want to see him. " http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1529415/Reid-meets-the-furious-face-of-Islam.html



You can’t preach here, this is a Muslim area:

And the Police took this seriously: http://www.christian.org.uk/news/ipcc-to-probe-muslim-no-go-area-allegation/




And we could link to many examples of peaceful multiculturalism, but here are some nice well-integrated examples of multiculturalism calling for annihilation of the West outside the Danish embassy:

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exactly. It's like the Egyptian protests. People here are rubbing their hands together and predicting the rise of a fundamentalist muslim state , based on zero evidence.


Racsist WANT to believe in these silly "no-go areas" stories because it vindicates their irrational fear and hatred.


I think you have lost your argument by labelling people racists.

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Police have denied that Asian youths are turning parts of Oldham into "no-go zones" for whites.




One of the most common refrains in the right wing media is that Britain is becoming peppered with “no go areas” for white people – inner city ghettos allegedly dominated by ethnic minorities.


The Bishop of Rochester recently advanced these claims, adding that these “no go areas” were also hotbeds of “Islamic extremism”.


His comments were widely reported – despite the complete absence of any evidence for his lurid allegations.


Out of over 8,850 electoral wards in England and Wales there are only 14 in which a non-white ethnic group makes up over half the population. In none does a single ethnic minority account for over three quarters of the population.


Of course, the very notion that there is something “wrong” with white people being in a minority in a particular area is in itself racist. But that aside, the projections of ethnic minority populations show an overall trend towards more diversity, not more segregation.


There is a “residential clustering” effect that sees large proportions of particular ethnic minorities in certain areas. Sometimes this reflects the fact that many ethnic minority populations feel vulnerable, and that living close to family and friends provides them with a sense security.


At other times local councils and lettings agents have pursued a deliberate policy of placing families from ethnic minorities only in specific areas.


It is also the case that ethnic minority populations are relatively young, and younger populations tend to grow faster than older ones because they have a lower death rate.


The related notion of “white flight” is also a myth. There is a trend for people living in inner cities to move out to the suburbs – but this trend is equally true of all ethnicities.


And in areas with the largest ethnic minority populations – such as parts of Leicester, Bradford and Lambeth – the figures show a net flow of white people moving in.

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Is it now, is it?


Well, how about you disprove these then:


Previous Home Secretary addressing Muslims in East London and told “How dare you come to a Muslim area”. Followed up by “John Reid should not come to a Muslim area. We do not want to see him. " http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1529415/Reid-meets-the-furious-face-of-Islam.html








I can disprove them, for the fifth time, by pointing out that I live there and nobody has ever tried to stop me going home for being white!b:hihi:

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