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State multiculturalism has failed, says David Cameron

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I think like another poster has said you are taking things too far in your argument and I would hope after reading the full speech you will appreciate what the Prime Minister is saying.


Of course I appreciate what he's saying, Ive a more time for Cameron than any of the other leaders, I'm really addressing some of the more crass statements being made here and of course his comments are equally being seized upon by xenophobes generally.


My major criticism of Cameron and his administration would be the reckless timing of his speech given events that are taking place in Luton today.

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Ending Muslim segregation


Published Date: 08 July 2006

Poisonous effect of multi-culturalism


FOR three decades now, the doctrine of multi-culturalism has had the status of canon law among the guardians of political correctness. Yet now the extent of the damage wrought by this deeply misguided philosophy is gradually being accepted.


As the chairman of the Commission for Racial Equality, Trevor Phillips, said two years ago, rather than bringing people together in a common citizenship, multi-culturalism has had the opposite effect, fostering division rather than integration and working against the idea of a British identity.


Now the failure has been acknowledged in a Leicester University project aimed at successful integration of people from different cultural backgrounds. According to one of its principal co-ordinators, Asaf Hussain, multi-culturalism – which he suggests should be replaced by the term "inter-culturalism" – has failed because it did not recognise the dangers of religious fundamentalism, with deadly consequences.


It may be an exaggeration to lay the entire responsibility for the horrors of July 7 at the door of multi-culturalism, but its pernicious effect cannot be underplayed.


Through insisting that all cultures are of equal worth and that none is superior in any way, multi-culturalism has contributed to the effective state of apartheid existing in many towns and cities.


Too many Muslim communities in West Yorkshire, for example, effectively act as laws unto themselves, importing husbands, wives and imams from abroad, tolerating the existence of homes where English is not the first language and allowing schoolchildren to spend lengthy periods of time out of the country.




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The notion that there’s a problem with ethnic minority communities not integrating into wider British society has become so commonplace among politicians that it is hardly ever challenged.


A succession of government reports and policy initiatives have encouraged the notion that “community cohesion” is under threat, and that the key problem is that ethnic minority communities refuse to engage, preferring instead to “self-segregate” and retreat into the ghetto.


This picture is comprehensively false. Friendship groups are becoming more mixed, not less. Most ethnic minority young people say at least half their friends are white.


Less than 20 percent of minorities born in Britain say they only have friends from their own ethnic group.



If any group is ethnically isolated, it is white people – over half of white people say they only have white friends.



One index of increased integration is the number of people who say they are of “mixed” ethnicity.


The “mixed” group accounts for 650,000 people in England alone and is one of the fastest growing ethnic groups in Britain.


Moreover, surveys of social attitudes going back decades show a steady increase in positive attitudes towards ethnic diversity.

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heres what he said from the bbc news http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-12371994 i agree with what he said about this "Mr Cameron is to suggest there will be greater scrutiny of some Muslim groups that get public money but do little to tackle extremism"


First to break ranks was Jack Straw and now even our PM, have we now found some politicians with some backbone? let's hope so.

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Is it now, is it?


Well, how about you disprove these then:


Previous Home Secretary addressing Muslims in East London and told “How dare you come to a Muslim area”. Followed up by “John Reid should not come to a Muslim area. We do not want to see him. " http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1529415/Reid-meets-the-furious-face-of-Islam.html



You can’t preach here, this is a Muslim area:

And the Police took this seriously: http://www.christian.org.uk/news/ipcc-to-probe-muslim-no-go-area-allegation/




And we could link to many examples of peaceful multiculturalism, but here are some nice well-integrated examples of multiculturalism calling for annihilation of the West outside the Danish embassy:


fair do's to you for all these examples. and they need to looked into. but, as you rightly point out, they're statements uttered by one nut. not right to say 'Muslims said...', which you're not, but many do.

there are issues need discussing, and the walking on eggshell needs to stop while this is done. the irrational paranoia and hyperbole needs to be reigned in too. the situation is no where near what the press would have us think. but it does have the potential to get there, in a decade if not more, if rational discussion is stemmed for fear of offense.

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The split between Protestants and Roman Catholics was a different matter and not brought about on racist grounds.


The point I'm making Bass is that they are of a different culture and some of them seek reasons to take dislike to one another.

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Of course I appreciate what he's saying, Ive a more time for Cameron than any of the other leaders, I'm really addressing some of the more crass statements being made here and of course his comments are equally being seized upon by xenophobes generally.


My major criticism of Cameron and his administration would be the reckless timing of his speech given events that are taking place in Luton today.

hear hear.

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Ending Muslim segregation


Published Date: 08 July 2006

Poisonous effect of multi-culturalism


FOR three decades now, the doctrine of multi-culturalism has had the status of canon law among the guardians of political correctness. Yet now the extent of the damage wrought by this deeply misguided philosophy is gradually being accepted.


As the chairman of the Commission for Racial Equality, Trevor Phillips, said two years ago, rather than bringing people together in a common citizenship, multi-culturalism has had the opposite effect, fostering division rather than integration and working against the idea of a British identity.


Now the failure has been acknowledged in a Leicester University project aimed at successful integration of people from different cultural backgrounds. According to one of its principal co-ordinators, Asaf Hussain, multi-culturalism – which he suggests should be replaced by the term "inter-culturalism" – has failed because it did not recognise the dangers of religious fundamentalism, with deadly consequences.


It may be an exaggeration to lay the entire responsibility for the horrors of July 7 at the door of multi-culturalism, but its pernicious effect cannot be underplayed.


Through insisting that all cultures are of equal worth and that none is superior in any way, multi-culturalism has contributed to the effective state of apartheid existing in many towns and cities.


Too many Muslim communities in West Yorkshire, for example, effectively act as laws unto themselves, importing husbands, wives and imams from abroad, tolerating the existence of homes where English is not the first language and allowing schoolchildren to spend lengthy periods of time out of the country.




A very short time ago you would have been branded a racsist/fascict/ BNP/EDL supporter for posting this.

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