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The Penguin Pub, Shiregreen


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I am due to do a gig at the Penguin Pub at Shiregreen soon.


I was wondering what the pub was like now.


Everytime I've mentioned I'm doing a gig there to someone, they look at me as if I must be mad for going near the place. I have been assured that the pub has been taken over by another landlord, and that it has improved.


Is this true? Or is the Penguin still as bad as it has always been. I have never been to the pub before, I am just going on what everyone else has said about it.


Would be grateful if someone could let me know

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Its no where near as bad as its reputation.:D


But saying that I havn`t been in for a while but my mum goes in on a tuesday for the Quiz so it can`t be that bad.


The landlord is the one who had the Sicey Hotel before it shut


Like most estate pubs its always like walking into the`Slaughtered Lamb`if your a stranger .:suspect:


But i am sure you will have a great night


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The PENGUIN!! A bad pub??? What`ve ye done!?


See what happens when I leave town! All that rubbish that didn`t go to Beck Road and Hatfield House Lane, runs amok!


Lawdy! Lawdy! Lawdy!


I used to walk across to the bottle shop for a packet of Smiths Crisps (when they had that little bag of salt inside)and and I think it was Dandelion and Burdock soft drink...might`ve been Tizer.. and not a bad word from anybody.

Course I`m 6`6, in my socks and eat trains!!


Would you loik ta boy a bridge??



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Originally posted by The557



The PENGUIN!! A bad pub??? What`ve ye done!?


See what happens when I leave town! All that rubbish that didn`t go to Beck Road and Hatfield House Lane, runs amok!


Lawdy! Lawdy! Lawdy!


I used to walk across to the bottle shop for a packet of Smiths Crisps (when they had that little bag of salt inside)and and I think it was Dandelion and Burdock soft drink...might`ve been Tizer.. and not a bad word from anybody.

Course I`m 6`6, in my socks and eat trains!!


Would you loik ta boy a bridge??




Thanks for your reply! Hello to the land of Oz! I have to say I was somewhat puzzled by your answer at first, but after reading it for a second time, I realised what you were trying to say!


I'm sorry, I'm just a sheila who is a bit scared. Oh well, here's to tonight's gig! (she says as she downs a large scotch) I shall dedicate a song to all those who offered there support on this forum!



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Sorry for lack of clarity..(semi-literate I am) My memory of Shiregreen and The Penguin does not fit with thug behaviour and yobs...hence the hebephrenic outburst.


It was as though someone told me my Gran was a Nazi concentration camp guard!!


Sure you`ll do/have done, a diva job on the patrons.


'Music sooths the savage breast'


break a heart!



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