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40%+ tax if you earn over £15k - The reality of modern Britain.

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Ah the OP finally knows its not a tax, so any earning over £15k are taxed at whatever % + the repayment of the loan and we all agree a loan is not a tax. If that means you are paying out 40% of your earning so be it but you can't say they are been taxed at 40%

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Perhaps you are giving the figures for those whom complete it?


Given that the drop out rate is around 12%, the figure quoted in the statistics is rather misleading. A considerable proportion of this 12% or so drop out in the fist year. Moreover, it depends upon the age band which is used. The band which tended to be used was between 17 -25. If this is widened to between 17 and 30, the figure is bound to be higher. So I think there is a lot of hype in the figures you cite.

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But that £21k in 2012 money will only be worth about £15k in in 2009 money.


Are you claiming that inflation is really 11.5% annually? That's how much it would have to be to reach the figure you quote.


With nonsensical rubbish like that (and let's face it, your entire original post), perhaps you should slink away with what dregs of credibility you still have left?

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31% rising soon to 32%, and earning potential generally not much more than minimum wage.


Essentially your lower class working class. Slightly higher up than a Romanian.


its the history of the conservatives to keep the lower class even lower class

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its the history of the conservatives to keep the lower class even lower class


Maggy Thatcher and Norman Tebbit were/are working class you know.


its the history of the labour party to keep the "lower class" even lower class; Labour don't encourage entrepreneurialism in people, which is what creates jobs, wealth and prosperity to lift people up; instead they spent 13 years building up an unproductive and massive public sector.

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