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A Bit Late, Mr. Cameron !

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Apparently Mr. Cameron, our wonderful Leader, has been speaking [ or ' talking tough ' ? ] about the Western Way of Life, Christian Standards, the ' route ' that a young potential Islamic terrorist might take.........etc.....etc....


There 's a lot there that we might agree with------the only problem is, it 's all about 30 years too late ! It 's difficult to imagine how our ' wise men ' of all parties, managed to remain blind, deaf and dumb to the problems of mass legal and illegal immigration for all this time. Perhaps they didn 't really want to understand the problem for their own devious reasons ?


The vast majority of immigrants are decent, hard-working people, in most respects exactly the type of people who benefit a country. However, THAT is not the problem. The problem is one of numbers, the time period and the almost complete lack of any check on any aspect of mass immigration and its effects.


Lots of people mainly on the Left of the political spectrum even deny that ANY sort of problems exist. The Christian Church in the U.K. has been wishy-washy in defending the

' Christian Way of Life '. Politically, anyone who spoke out against mass immigration has been accused of being racist-----so, quite often they said nothing.


No-one can deny that lots of terrorist attacks are carried out by young, male, Islamic extremists. The danger is that we have so many ' young, Islamic males ' in the U.K., who often live in an almost separate society, that we have no idea how many might be being influenced to go ' a step further ', i.e. from extremist opinion to extremist action ! We have just seemed to sit back and idly watched the process take place.


Well, at last, The Cameroon has uttered the unutterable ! But........the situation vis-a-vis immigration and its problems is so entrenched in the U.K. now, that it might need more than Mr. Cameroon to reverse the trends taking place.

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This notion of 'they live separate lives' is at the heart of the problem. The way I see it is that we ALL live separate lives and to expect 'people' we don't know to have to jump infront of you in the street to shake your hand just because they happen to be Muslim or 'immigrant' is absurd, nobody else does so why should they. Is terrorism the problem here in the UK? i don't see young Muslims terrorising the local population around them, I don't see Muslims pushing their ideology onto others around them to force people to adopt their ways, but what we do see and what is ignored is Muslims being picked on as a scapegoat to the Government's own failings, Labour and Cons alike.

Address the terrorism issue and face the facts of the illegal wars have had in shaping views rather than any ideology seeking to take over the world. Why is that aspect ignored for convenience of blaming Muslims for being Muslim.

Words are cheap and a build up of extremism is being encouraged with hints of the final solution being advocated wrapped in worf play of 'it might take more than Mr Cameroon to reverse the trend' What is that you might need to do exactly gas the buggers using examples set in Hisrory? it is indeed a wonder what it takes for an extrmist to turn extremist words into extremist actaions and IMO it's not just Muslims who've got an extremist problem.

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You can hardly blame the Boy Cameron for that, they don't let you become Prime Minister when you're 14.


They shouldn't let you become Prime Minister until you are at least 50 and have spent at least 20 years doing a real job. If they (us) did that then you might actually have the skills to do the job properly rather than just flounce around looking decorative and making pointless speeches.

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Address the terrorism issue and face the facts of the illegal wars have had in shaping views rather than any ideology seeking to take over the world. Why is that aspect ignored for convenience of blaming Muslims for being Muslim.

So you're saying that the muslims in this country are muslims first and British citizens second and because they're muslims first it's ok to blow up tube trains, London busses and Glasgow airport.


People who share views like yours don't realise that you're are the best recruiting agents for the BNP/EDL.

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So you're saying that the muslims in this country are muslims first and British citizens second and because they're muslims first it's ok to blow up tube trains, London busses and Glasgow airport.People who share views like yours don't realise that you're are the best recruiting agents for the BNP/EDL.


Are you generalising again? If muslims all believed that then there would be chaos and havoc day in day out:rolleyes:


Do you even understand the word 'extremist'. I don't think you do.

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