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A Bit Late, Mr. Cameron !

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If you cast your eyes upthread you'll see I've demonstrated moderate muslims are not even close to remaining silent.
It's amazing how deafening the silence of moderate muslims is compared to the world wide hysterics over a cartoon or a book.

Hardly the conduct of balanced minds.

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Only just over a Million people marched on one day and that should be ignored as not all 58 Million marched, yet twelve people protesting at homecoming parade are held up by the extremists to tar 1.5 Million Muslims of Britain, what's the matter your brain can't handle the maths when it comes to the Muslims?


there were only 300 to 500 active members of the pira, yet how many catholics kept quiet? supported them in silence? still do?

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I listened to the Prime Ministers speech and it was excellent.

Everyone posting on here should read it and then they will understand what he meant.

He wants an integrated society not countries within a country.

He supports different forms of worship.

He wants to stop extremists spreading hatred.

It was a true statesman like speech.

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I listened to the Prime Ministers speech and it was excellent.

Everyone posting on here should read it and then they will understand what he meant.

He wants an integrated society not countries within a country.

He supports different forms of worship.

He wants to stop extremists spreading hatred.

It was a true statesman like speech.

Very true but I fear you're talking to a brick wall regarding certain westernerphobes.

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If I were a young Muslim I'd looking to acquire an AK47 just to take along with me some of the scumbags when they come for me, self fulfilling prophecy indeed.

It's not the Muslims that are against integration it's the hate filled bigots like some posters on here that are the stumbling blocks with their pronouncements of doom against people they don't even know. Point to which Muslim group is advocating such hate against any other people in this society? Reading these pages it's easy to imagine how some Muslims would develop a siege mentality and turn to extremism as a counterbalance away from the people who openly hate them.


again its everyones fault but the ones who do the deed or support them. being a muslim is not a free pass to act as you like.

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What's your evidence that most extremists are muslim?


Your perception is not reality. The data simply does not support such a hasty conclusion. On the FBI’s official website, there exists a chronological list of all terrorist attacks committed on U.S. soil from the year 1980 all the way to 2005. That list can be accessed here (scroll down all the way to the bottom).




ccording to this data, there were more Jewish acts of terrorism within the United States than Islamic (7% vs 6%). These radical Jews committed acts of terrorism in the name of their religion. These were not terrorists who happened to be Jews; rather, they were extremist Jews who committed acts of terrorism based on their religious passions, just like Al-Qaeda and company.


So I'm afraid you are wrong.

What has the USA got to do with it all ,you do carry on so,but seeing as you like to use google why not extremist muslims in the UK and see what comes up and then google terrorist attacks in the UK see what comes up..you see for now we are Great Britain and not a state of the US so your post is a meaningless exercise...Unless Cameron has been elected President of the USA overnight and Iv missed it,in that event my apologies.

I also really need to explain that when you attach links to sites ,read them and also dont pick and choose theres plenty about muslim extremist groups or doesnt your censored blinkers allow them to register

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Very true but I fear you're talking to a brick wall regarding certain westernerphobes.


This is what is so frightening, the Prime Minister is trying to do something positive to improve our society for everyone and make it safer yet all some people want to do is look for negative ways to criticise the speech and the man.

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