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A Bit Late, Mr. Cameron !

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there have hardly been any, so to get a representative sample you need to go back over many years and in that case the vast majority of terrorist related attacks would be related to the IRA and its splinter groups, who would have been nominally christian and probably catholic.
But we're taliking about todays threat not the past.
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we've been through this before, so you aren't that new are you? :)


anyway, rather than posting a list of definitions, why not explain to us what your idea of assimiliation is?


and also, how it would be any different to what we have now........

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1/ I didn't mention time machines


2/ I don't believe politician's lies


3/ I said Cameron supported the war, I didn't say he was leader


4/ I am calm, I'm tired of people trying and failing to misquote me.


Liars don't usually get very far outside of politics.


2003, millions of people marched against the war. Cameron ignored them, supported an illegal war that has killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people.


Cameron is the cause of extremism.


As leader of the Opposition, he ignored the million people, from all walks of life, who were protesting against the war.


He supported the government, instead of opposing it.


Please don't do it again.

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Point 1, i never claimed they were. I said i think (my own personal opinion) that most extemist are muslim and most muslims are extremists.

Point 2, Didnt you just throw a spaz claiming people were misquoting YOU??


Oh, hang on. that bit makes no sense anymore cos you edited you post.

Very clever.

Sneeky, but clever. :suspect:


Point 3, I have no idea how many far right nutjobs are in prison making bombs.

Perhaps you can asked HMPS or somthing.


I haven't edited anything.



What is your evidence that most muslims are terrorists and most terrorists are muslims and have you alerted the FBI to their mistake?

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