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A Bit Late, Mr. Cameron !

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when cameron dishonestly complains that we don't hear from muslims who condemn terrorism along with the rest of us, he's playing into the hands of extremists and encouraging more hatred and resentment.


It's pandering to the lowest common demoninator and recklessly inflammatory.


He's playing into the hands of right-wing nutjobs, which is exactly what murdoch wants him to do.


he is starting to tell the truth. The nut jobs are the ones with the behead cards burka and its your fault not ours attitude.

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esol. English for speakers of other languages





labour began cutting esol expenditure in 2009. 100 mp's signed a motion complaining against it, led by boris johnson.


Obviously its a bit off topic but is it the government's responsibility to teach basic english to half a million immigrants a year at such an extraordinary cost? Should the individuals or their communities pay for it?


how about no passport until you can speak english?

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I didn't say he was.


I said in 2003 people marched against the war.


Later, I said when Cameron was leader of the opposition he supported the war.


If I had said "Cameron was leader in 2003" you'd have a point.


I didn't, so you don't.




"2003, millions of people marched against the war. Cameron ignored them, supported an illegal war that has killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people."

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obviously means the final solution from those who claim the muslims are extremists, oh the irony of it.:roll: Cameron has played right into their scummy hands.


utter nonsense. This nation needs a policy of national unity. A set of standards, that says if you live here, this is how you do it.

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