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A Bit Late, Mr. Cameron !

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utter nonsense. This nation needs a policy of national unity. A set of standards, that says if you live here, this is how you do it.


How would you impose Cameron's "national identity" scheme?


Would you agree Cameron on the one hand condemning extremism and on the other hand propping up the despotic Saudi regime is duplicitous?

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to get here they already have a passport.


do you mean a uk passport?


are we going to apply that to the locals too?

There'll be nobody left at the Manor and wybourn:hihi:

Cameron said extremists are a problem and judging by right wing posts on here advocating something more needing to be done, seems he was right we do have a lot of extremists under every rock and they're not Muslim either.

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This nation needs a policy of national unity. A set of standards, that says if you live here, this is how you do it.

Where would we start? Take away the liberty to eat what we wish? Take away the liberty to worship how we wish? Muscular Liberalism could soon lose its liberty with that idea.

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There'll be nobody left at the Manor and wybourn:hihi:

Cameron said extremists are a problem and judging by right wing posts on here advocating something more needing to be done, seems he was right we do have a lot of extremists under every rock and they're not Muslim either.


only muslim ones count dont you know?

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Culture is not a static entity.


Cameron is once again stirring up racial tensions in attempt to boost his lagging popularity.


- Massive spending cuts leading to unemployment, reduction in services, and the very thing this was meant to avoid, a shrinking economy.


- The likely approval to extending Murdoch's influence in the UK by allowing his bid for bskyb to go through, despite regulatory disapproval.


All he is doing is attempting to divert the resentment from the tories onto 'migrant groups', nicking votes from UKIP along the way.


The recession, after all, has nothing to do with immigration, it was Cameron's mates in the City.


It is a basic human urge to have a scapegoat, years ago it was the French, then the Irish, blacks, jews, now muslims.


Cameron is stoking up this hatred and resentment.

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