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5 things that can promote British culture.

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I would say that ironically the best thing about being British is our innate distaste for displays of patriotism and overt nationalism. Our national slogan could be:



'Yes yes, it's great being British- but please don't go on about it...'


For once, I am in absolute agreement with you.


I have an American friend who is insanely jealous of our relative lack of jingoism. It almost makes me proud to not be proud of being British!?!

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Some British people play American Football, this does not make it a British sport.


Some British people observe desert appropriate dress codes, this does not make it a British custom.


Fully answered with an appropriate analogy. Now bugger off.


4th time :P


by the way whats the bit ive highlighted???

dress code for eating puddings?

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Literacy and articulacy.


English people speak in sentences, proper sentences with sub-clauses.


Elgar's music.


Landseer's lions in Trafalgar Square.


The Yorkshire Dales in May when the daffodils are still out, two months after they've finished in south England.


Monty Python.

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I would say that ironically the best thing about being British is our innate distaste for displays of patriotism and overt nationalism. Our national slogan could be:



'Yes yes, it's great being British- but please don't go on about it...'


I agree with you here, this is indeed true.


I always cringe at those "homecoming parades" that our forces have been doing on returning from Afghanistan; most of the actual soldiers don't like it either, its just not our way.

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