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Ideas for children's parties megathread- all discussion in here please

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A massage for a 10year old? :o


Hair, nails and make up?


Theres nothing wrong with letting them destroy your make up bag at that age!! Not paying for them to have it done 'professionally'



Totally agree, what's next, legs waxing? Kids aren't kids for long, let them enjoy their childhood.

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Ah get a grip - it's a special treat! That's what birthdays are for. It's not like her 10 year old is having a weekly manicure and her roots done. I think a 10 year old girl would adore having a special grown up girly day for her birthday, sounds like a fab idea!

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It's only for one day, and thats why its a treat - the girls can pretend to be grown ups but tomorrow will go back to being the children they're supposed to be. I don't see the harm to be honest. Besides, it's only one year short of secondary school.


EDIT: Brunette - snap! lol.

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It's only for one day, and thats why its a treat - the girls can pretend to be grown ups but tomorrow will go back to being the children they're supposed to be. I don't see the harm to be honest. Besides, it's only one year short of secondary school.


EDIT: Brunette - snap! lol.


LOL Tess! Great minds and all that....


My daughter is 5 and she already asks for nail polish and lip gloss (I say no, but she asks!). I can see her loving that as a treat in 5 years time!

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I understand what you say but we have to accept that things are not the same as when we was younger, kids do grow up quicker. And yes it is just a one day treat. The kids all loved it and i would do it again next year for them. The massage was a hand massage which if this is so wrong then why is my daughters school teacher promoting arm massage in a morning before they start lessons???? Also all they had done to their hair was it curling and hair glitter. What is wrong in this??

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