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Ideas for children's parties megathread- all discussion in here please

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And you need to have a barrage of healthy things. My little one doesn't have a lot of bad stuff crisps, sweets etc (she's allergic to milk and believe it or not most goodies have milk products in them) Therefore, I'd have strawberry's and grapes, carrot and cucumber sticks, some fresh apple juice (orange makes them have runny bums - sorry tmi) cheese spread sandwiches.


Sausage rolls usually go down well and some penny mixture type things.


Good luck with the party and have fun!

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Buns, Jelly, Ice Cream, Fruit Salad - Best not to put them on fruit kebab sticks at that age. Mini Sausages, Crisps such as skips, wotsits, hula hoops, Biscuits such as pink wafers, custard Creams, Party Rings, Jaffa cakes, Mini rolls etc. Pissa, Quiche, Sandwiches with no crusts - cheese spread, potted meat/meat spread, cheese, ham, jam. Cut into small triangles.

Well i hope that helps :)


im 40yrs old and that still sounds like heaven

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