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Ideas for children's parties megathread- all discussion in here please

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Flumps and party rings are not vegetarian though and some of your guest might be. Chopped banana pieces, dried apricots, breadsticks, rice cakes, those fromage frais tubes - saves you getting spoons out and feeding them! Fruit shoots. Invent your own pick n mix, like the dairylea lunchables, bits of turkey, cheese, ham, etc that fit on ritz crackers. Don't forget lots of tunes - they all love music and a boogie.

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Flumps and party rings are not vegetarian though and some of your guest might be. Chopped banana pieces, dried apricots, breadsticks, rice cakes, those fromage frais tubes - saves you getting spoons out and feeding them! Fruit shoots. Invent your own pick n mix, like the dairylea lunchables, bits of turkey, cheese, ham, etc that fit on ritz crackers. Don't forget lots of tunes - they all love music and a boogie.


Get a life! since when have toddlers been veggies.

Bet your kids parties are a bundle of pc health n safety laffs.:rant:

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Get a life! since when have toddlers been veggies.

Bet your kids parties are a bundle of pc health n safety laffs.:rant:


Calm down, lad. :) Lots of parents don't want their kids to eat certain meat products for lots of different reasons, including religious ones and lots don't want their kids to eat too much sugar and E numbers. There's nothing worse than having kids to a party that can't eat what you've got - it's bad hosting.

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Calm down, lad. :) Lots of parents don't want their kids to eat certain meat products for lots of different reasons, including religious ones and lots don't want their kids to eat too much sugar and E numbers. There's nothing worse than having kids to a party that can't eat what you've got - it's bad hosting.


I think most kids would be well disappointed with the garbage you describe.It's a kids party for gods sake.Just for a few hours,it's not going to hurt them to actually eat cakes n sweets.Your kinda party would be a childs worst nightmare.

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Get a life! since when have toddlers been veggies.


I am a veggie, and any child of mine will not be eating any meat prodcuts until they are old enough to make the decision themselves.


As for party food-you MUST have homemade butterfly buns! Yummy! :love:

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I am a veggie, and any child of mine will not be eating any meat prodcuts until they are old enough to make the decision themselves.


As for party food-you MUST have homemade butterfly buns! Yummy! :love:


But shouldn't you let them eat meat and veggie?Then when they are old enough, let them decide for themselves?

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Most meat products for sandwiches i.e sandwich ham is full of salt which is really bad for little ones. Also, as a parent (well most parents) are concious of what junk your little one eats.


I appreciate what your saying about it being a party and let them be kids and eat what they want but at one point my eldest had 2 parties a week for 5 months! Therefore all that junk twice a week was super bad for her.


I love all the suggestions though that people have given especially the butterfly buns mmmmhhhhh

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Home made pizza - just plain cheese and tomato, proper sausages or good quality hot dogs, carrot sticks and maybe some cucumber, dips, crisps, fresh juice and at this time of year get some strawberries. Don't go mad with the sandwiches.

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