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Ideas for children's parties megathread- all discussion in here please

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just jotted down all food ideas, see what we end up with, my son actually loves fruit and veg so maybe more of that than sweets, but obv other kids will be there who love sweeties, well im going to get a mix of all sorts to suit everyones taste:)


thanx again!:)

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Hi , If you do serve grapes and cherry tomatoes please cut them in half. Although my kids never have choked on them, it is recommended that children at the age of 2 are given these items in pieces rather than whole, and i'm sure you wouldn't want any choking children at your tea party!


Personally, its a thumbs up for Party rings and Butterfly buns from me!


If you need an activity for them too, kids always love to decorate their own buns/ biscuits and then eat them, give them some icing and some toppings and they are in heaven!


Hope it goes well, thankfully mine are all past the toddler tea party stage now!




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Lots of finger food, cucumber, grapes, apple, cheese, tomatoes, pizza cut into fingers is good. You can make a scone base rolled out thin spead with tomato puree add some marjoram and then sprinkle with grated cheese. Don't have nuts or non vegetarian food unless you know that's okay. Lots of different kinds of fruit juice. My son discovered cranberry and raspberry juice at his friends birthday party. He can't drink the usual orange juice as he's allergic to it. One party I made sandwiches using biscuit cutters to make them in unusual shapes. Also made a cheese catterpillar using baby bells. Pick crisps that are low fat low salt as too much salt and fat will make tiny tummies sick.

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And you need to have a barrage of healthy things. My little one doesn't have a lot of bad stuff crisps, sweets etc (she's allergic to milk and believe it or not most goodies have milk products in them) Therefore, I'd have strawberry's and grapes, carrot and cucumber sticks, some fresh apple juice (orange makes them have runny bums - sorry tmi) cheese spread sandwiches.


Sausage rolls usually go down well and some penny mixture type things.


Good luck with the party and have fun!


And you need to have a barrage of healthy things. My little one doesn't have a lot of bad stuff CRACK, SMACK etc (she's allergic to WEED and believe it or not most goodies have WEED products in them) Therefore, I'd have SPEED and PILLS, KETAMINE and SLEEPING PILLS, some fresh RED BULL (VODKA makes them have runny bums - sorry tmi) CANNABIS spread sandwiches.


Your partys sound wicked......

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And you need to have a barrage of healthy things. My little one doesn't have a lot of bad stuff CRACK, SMACK etc (she's allergic to WEED and believe it or not most goodies have WEED products in them) Therefore, I'd have SPEED and PILLS, KETAMINE and SLEEPING PILLS, some fresh RED BULL (VODKA makes them have runny bums - sorry tmi) CANNABIS spread sandwiches.


Your partys sound wicked......



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