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What is an acceptable amount of board to pay?

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What would you charge your son for a bed for 4 nights (Mon- Thurs) and 3 evening meals and 1 teabag per day. No packing up, no washing or ironing literally just a bed for 4 nights and 3 evening meals. Only using the house to spend 12 hours in (sleeping) and 12 hours at work so not using much electric or gas either? Is £20 too much? I think its too much, after all I don't think its right to make money on your kids is it?


Any views on this?


You don't like having to pay £20? When I lived at home at 21, I paid £130 a month to my dad. My brother earns almost same as what I did back then and at 21 moans about having to pay £150. I think it's a good deal.

My brother moans he could move out for cheaper. He tried it twice and was back within the month each time.

For a council flat my outgoings are £420 a month and that is for standard bills, not including phone, internet, shopping etc. With those included its about £650. I think you have a good deal

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  • 2 months later...

When I was in this situation my parents basically said their mortgage was xx% of my fathers salary, so they wanted that amount from me for board as a percentage of my salary. I thought that was eminently fair. The fact they gave half of it back as a deposit to buy my first house was just a bonus.

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Rubbish, let the young enjoy their meagre earnings and spend them on themselves, I've had my youth i'll let my son enjoy his without having to pay me.


I totally agree with this statement. You are only young once, and are a long time old, with half a dozen things wrong with you.

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My mate didn't get charged by his parents for living at their home. He got all his meals cooked, washing done, everything.


He only moved out last year, aged 37...


Kids need a shove to leave home, just like a baby bird gets kicked out of the nest. Fly or die!

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What would you charge your son for a bed for 4 nights (Mon- Thurs) and 3 evening meals and 1 teabag per day. No packing up, no washing or ironing literally just a bed for 4 nights and 3 evening meals. Only using the house to spend 12 hours in (sleeping) and 12 hours at work so not using much electric or gas either? Is £20 too much? I think its too much, after all I don't think its right to make money on your kids is it?


Any views on this?


If he's the eldest sun, just remember, he chooses your care home

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By not asking them to pay board you aren’t doing them any favours ….. in the long run the real world is going to smack them in the face …….. no mummy and daddy with deep pockets then.


I went with my son to the bank when he arranged a loan to buy his first car, the woman in the bank made a list of expenses to evaluate his suitability for a loan and asked him if he paid rent or board.


He said £100 and she said "what per week"?, you should have seen her face when he said per month. :hihi:

Our youngest son went away to college in New Hampshire, and would drive home for the weekend. We never charged him anything for it, as he had little money to spare. His older brother and his wife were kicked out of their apartment for not paying their rent. So they arrived at my doorstep with their newborn kid. When I told them I wanted $100 a week from them for board and food, they complained bitterly that the brother was living scott free. They ran up our phone and electricity bills, and constantly moaned they couldn't afford it. They both smoke like chimneys, and their electronics are always state of the art. They finally moved to Florida.
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wouldnt ask for anything. I agree with not making money on your kids. yes, I know there are those who would say they should pay their way. I dont agree with that. My son is 19, at uni and has worked in the past partime. We didnt take a penny from him. he is out there getting a degree, has student loans and will be paying enough when he is out in the world on his own. I would give my son my last penny. But then again we do have a very good son. doesnt do drugs, doesnt smoke, drinks yes, but not in excess, and is at uni working hard (we know this as he gets distinctions on his assignments). We also have a daughter and when the time comes we wont ask her for board either.


my opinion, it works for us.


I dont work, my husband does. Our house is OUR house. the family home. why should our children pay to live there. its their home.


You have answerd your own question because its their house as well as yours so they should pay into the upkeep of it.

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