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US Defence Spending

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I hear that the Bush administration wants, and will probably get, $550 billion dollars this year. (350 billion quid). That is roughly the same amount as the entire GDP of China.


Adjusted for inflation, this is the largest defence budget ever, larger even than when the US and NATO faced the evil empire poised with tens of thousands of tanks ready to roll accross europe, not to mention squillions of US and Soviet nukes ready to send us into an atomic holocaust, Biochem Weapons Development, and hundreds of thousands of troops going on exercise the entire time in Central Europe..


Does this strike anyone as odd? Or in any way alarming?

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It's worth pointing out that the american billion is different to our billion, and not sure which ones those figures are using, but even so it's a fair amount of money.


It'd be interesting to compare this budget with their (non-corporate) welfare budget.

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Mike, our billions are both the same these days. At one point our billion was a million-million (or something crazy) but we are now on the international system which means a billion is 1,000 million both here and in the US of A.


Defence Budgets...

USA: $401bn

Russia: $65bn (2001 figures)

China: $47bn (2001 figures)

Japan: $42.6bn

UK: $38.4bn

Source: US Centre for Defense Information



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Originally posted by max

I asked the same question here:


Where have our billions gone?


and the silence was deafening.


Oh max, you should be ashamed:

" In 1974 British prime minister Harold Wilson abandoned the use of billion for 10^12, by explaining before the House of Commons the fact that "billion" from now on in British government statistics has the American use i.e. means 10^9."


Actually the answer appears to be 'recently', and not necessarily universally.


For more information than you probaby want:




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