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Who would you save?

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Ah, we discussed many things!!! The final being how lovely my uncle looked in a vintage 70s dress!!! We were all a bit drunk and silly by that time though!

The subject of the thread was brought up because someone had been asked the same question at work.


Oh yes, I was only joking, I'm sorry :)


On a serious note I think you would hope your spouse would want to sacrifice themselves for your child.

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I suppose that I would have to look at it from the point of view that the child deserves to live a normal life span and not have it cut off prematurely whereas my wife has at least lived a good number of years.


It's an awful, hellish decsion though and for me at least, mean a lifetime of guilt and sadness ever after


Now good King Henry the Eighth had no trouble whatsoever in deciding to save the life of his new born son Edward over that of his wife Jane Seymour who died shortly after the birth

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What about an adopted child?


I'm an adopted child. However my brothers are my parents 'blood' children.


I can't speak for all adoptees, but I am on exactly the same level as my brothers as far as my parents go - we are all quite simply their children. It grates me beyond belief when some celebrity is pictured with their 'adopted child' - it's their child, period.


That said, when my Dad was seriously ill, he told me I was his favourite...but I suppose the same situation could be found in many families where a parent just has that little connection more with one child than another.

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That might not be an available option.


A chap last year (or the year before? I lose track of time) was faced with the impossible dilemma, when his car ended up in a river with both his children inside it. He had to decide which one to take out first, knowing full well that he couldn't possibly take both at once and also knowing that he more than likely wouldn't get back in time to save the other. (He didn't; the other child drowned.)


No matter how much he would have given up his own life to save both children, that shot just wasn't on the board.



It's something I would never want to experience to be honest. I would rather not be put in that position and don't think I could ever live knowing that my decision sealed the fate for either partner/child.

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It's something I would never want to experience to be honest. I would rather not be put in that position and don't think I could ever live knowing that my decision sealed the fate for either partner/child.


I'm sure everyone would agree, and I can't even begin to imagine the level of guilt that man must feel, even though it's quite clear that he did nothing wrong and cannot possibly be blamed. Do nothing and both will die; act, and you will save one at the expense of the other.


It would come as no surprise to find that someone put into such an impossible position had ended up committing suicide, wracked with guilt and grief.

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This question came up last night at a dinner party and I thought it would be a good one for you Forummers.


If you could only save 1 person, and had to choose between your spouse or your child, which would you save? And why?


Apparently, 95% of people would save their child.


my child, how could anyone allow a child to die?

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