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Are the US behind Assange extradition?

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You have some source of inside information the rest of us dont know about ?


As I said, the GF's daughter's partner is going back to Afghanistan later this year for his third tour (after a "holiday" stint in Canada). So I find out a little more than that which is reported in the press.


Unless the bleeding hearts on here try to tell me that the call to kill all Americans (and British) is not a declaration of war.


When has Assange ever said such a thing?

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Others who don't know him (including many, many non-Americans) that are not so blinkered, may view him as a true democrat, who was persecuted for releasing the truth behind the lies behind which the US military hide. To some Americans, he's already become something of an anti-hero already.


Dont matter what non-Americans think he is and I dont think Americans give a fiddlers fart what "many,many non-Americans" think anyway. No doubt he may have become something of an anti-hero as you so quaintly put it but that would be among the Jane Fonda, Hollywood far left crowd only.


Manning is a matter between himself and the military only. By the way I am a registered Democrat voter but dont describe Manning as a member of that group. That's an insult..

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No it wont. He may get some acclaim from those on the far political left but that's all and it will certainly never make more than a pittance if that.


Americans are basically very patriotic people and expect their military personnel to act in accordance with the oaths of allegience they took when signing up.


Manning will just disappear into the mists of time and be remembered by those who knew him as a "<removed>" Just as lieutenant Calley of the Mai Lai massacre ended up.


Except this isn't purely a US thing, there are many people around the world who respect Manning for his strength of conviction. If he wrote a book on the subject, it would almost certainly be an international best seller.


You dont know the soldier's code, but I do.


On that we can agree.

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I'm being pedantic Harley but didn't Lt Calley swear allegience to the flag.


Yes he would have at his induction into the military. Shooting down defenceless civilians isn't part of a soldiers job though and the military most definitely do not condone such acts.

He was a disgrace to the army and the country

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