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Are the US behind Assange extradition?

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Except this isn't purely a US thing, there are many people around the world who respect Manning for his strength of conviction. If he wrote a book on the subject, it would almost certainly be an international best seller.




On that we can agree.


Yes it is. Manning has committed an act contrary to military law in that he in a position of trust and as a serving member of the military intentionally released sensitive information that could be potentially damaging.

He will be court martialed, more than likely found guilty and serve a term of imprisonment.

No doubt he'll then have plenty of time to write his best seller.

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Yes it is.


Not in relation the the post I was responding to. Clearly Manning will not be "all washed up" as there are nations on this planet other than the US.


Manning has committed an act contrary to military law in that he in a position of trust and as a serving member of the military intentionally released sensitive information that could be potentially damaging.


It's who the information is damaging to that's the clincher. I doubt it's all about the soldiers on the ground, though I accept it's a possibility.


He will be court martialed, more than likely found guilty and serve a term of imprisonment.

No doubt he'll then have plenty of time to write his best seller.


Does making a mint from a best seller still mean you're "all washed up"?

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So why are the US so eager to get Mr Assange into their clutches (a non-US citizen)?


Perhaps because they feel that his actions have caused (or are causing) them harm?


Why were the British so keen to get the Irishman Wiliam Joyce (Lord Haw-Haw) into their clutches?

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They might as well throw away the money for Private Manning. As I have already stated he was a member of the armed forces, had sworn an oath of allegience and was in a position of trust. The military dont take kindly to acts like that. He'll get nothing out of all this except a few years in the stockade, a Dishonorable Discharge and a life of dead end jobs.


Every job application in the US asks for information on military service. A D.D is a death sentence for any hopes of getting into even a half decent job. Aside from the D.D he will also have a record as a convicted felon


The silly little jerk is all washed up.

And there's the truth of this whole thread. Almost anyone would leap to pay for information being dished out by this soldier. Most of it are recordings of private conversations by people of influence doing a little trolling of their own. I don't think much of it was of importance anyway. Try the guy for rape and be done with it.
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Others who don't know him (including many, many non-Americans) that are not so blinkered, may view him as a true democrat, who was persecuted for releasing the truth behind the lies behind which the US military hide. To some Americans, he's already become something of an anti-hero already.
If he ever gets out of jail, and I hope he wont, I don't recommend he ever tries to visit the Amrican Legion or the VFW ( Veterans of Foreign Wars ). You seem to think you know all about us, probably from a couple of weeks at Disney World in high summer, when most Americans don't go. I don't know everything about us , and I've been here 42 years. It's sad that your hatred of us is so palpable.
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Not in relation the the post I was responding to. Clearly Manning will not be "all washed up" as there are nations on this planet other than the US.




It's who the information is damaging to that's the clincher. I doubt it's all about the soldiers on the ground, though I accept it's a possibility.




Does making a mint from a best seller still mean you're "all washed up"?



I'll bet the farm if he ever does write a book it will end up being sold off for pennies on the dollar. A bit like Sarah Palin's book "Going Rogue" :hihi: :hihi:

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If he ever gets out of jail, and I hope he wont, I don't recommend he ever tries to visit the Amrican Legion or the VFW ( Veterans of Foreign Wars ). You seem to think you know all about us, probably from a couple of weeks at Disney World in high summer, when most Americans don't go. I don't know everything about us , and I've been here 42 years. It's sad that your hatred of us is so palpable.


You have to feel a bit sorry for them buck. It's a bit like me trying to discuss the current budget cuts in Britain. What I know wouldn't be worth posting. They may know a bit more than me about the Wikileaks details but as far as understanding the way Americans feel about somebody like Manning they're far out in left field.


This isn't the Vietnam era anymore when anti-war groups and leftists debased the military every chance they got and cheered on (Viet Vets?) dressed in tattered uniforms who yelled things like "baby killers" to the detriment of the troops still in Vietnam. This generation support the troops all the way even if a percentage dont agree with the war in Afganistan. Manning is not and never will be a hero or anti-hero in the eyes of the American public except by a few of the Hollywood crowd maybe. Not forgetting the America-phobes either of course

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So why are the US so eager to get Mr Assange into their clutches (a non-US citizen)?


Let me ask you. Why is Assange fighting so desperately to avoid extradiction to Sweden if he's as innocent as he keeps saying he is?


If I were in his place I'd go voluntarily to Sweden to clear my name. What man with any self respect would want to go around with a reputation as a rapist or sex deviant (whichever it was) on his head?


Added to that by not going to Sweden he has more or less become something of a prisoner as far as his freedom to travel is concerned Should he ever in the future go to mainland Europe he will be arrested by Interpol and taken to Sweden for trial.


The guy is obviously a phony and a liar through and through.

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