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Are the US behind Assange extradition?

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Now see here, ya blamed liberal elitist with ya fancy book larnin' and facts! You're just tryin' fa complicate things! It's perfectly simple. That gosh darned Juliet Assarde is a communist a-rab terrorist, and we need someone like John Wayne ta up an shoot him straight in his faggot-ass head, so that freedom can prevail. God bless America!


Eeeh Lad tha's a reet good post an' all. Them mardy Yanks oughter be made to geeoor like. When ah wuz in Florider an' went to Disneyworld them yanks seemed a barmy lot sithee. They couldn't oonderstand a flippin bleddy word ah wuz sayin'. When ah got back hawm to Oodersfield we all 'ad a reet laff about it ah'll tell thee mooker

Tha's last bluddy time ah goes ooer theer. It's Skeggy next year for me and the missus.

Aye Skeggy ! Nowt to beat it lad.

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Which is patently false. Any "damage" was done by the US defence Dept having poor security measures. Assange is simply acting as a conduit (as are the other media who ran with the leaks).


The US wants Assange because to not do so, would result in them having to look at their own security (this with Wikileaks is a smoke screen set up by the US govt. to divert attention from it's (poor) security.




He would, however, be free to visit any other country on earth after his release.


History will be his judge, not a few with vested interests.





You seem to be suffering from the same disease as mr motorbike; I do not hate Americans - can you get that into your head. I do, however, dislike some US policies (as I do my own government).

Ask your own government. Ask the Swedish government why they dropped all charges then, two weeks later, re-instated them (after telling him he was free to leave the country).


What about past European colonial policies in the middle east. Cobbling together countries by drawing lines on a map, ignoring tribal differences and old emnities. Iraq comes to mind and Somali was another abortion created by the pith helmeted wonders. Slicing off present day Pakistan from India, displacing thousands of Muslims and Hindus of which caused the deaths of thousands also. Added to that giving India a nation of predominantyly Hindus and Sikhs control over Kashmir which is about 85 percent Muslim.


Then there's the French and their record of mismanagement in North Africa resulting in a long and bloody war for independence by Algeria and Morocco.


Yes I know you're going to say that this is all ancient history and has no relevence today but that's where you're sadly wrong. It was this European bungling in the middle east that left festering probems and has been the root cause of what is going on today.


And finally you sir also suffer from a disease. It's called chronic conspiracy disease. You must be related to vResistance right ?. :hihi:

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  • 2 weeks later...
No. I firmly believe in the freedom of the press. That's a far cry from Assanage who has definitely caused a considerable amount of damage by his actions, the fallout yet to be seen.

Of course all this has given an immense amount of satisfaction to the America haters who blame everything on the country even to the point of saying it's reponsible for this winter's unusual cold and snowy weather :D


Your against freedom of the press? Does the phrase Patriot Act mean anything to you? Really you should try some joined up thinking I'm afraid. If freedom of the press has been compromised (which it clearly has) the only recourse people have is to leak the truth so that informed rather than half baked assessment can be made.

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So, we can deport Assange, but not Hamza. Great.


Lets just hope when he ends up in the US, Wikileaks goes medievil.


If you deport Hamza you get a pay off in the form of increased tension between the Muslim community and the rest of us. Thus giving the Tory enforcers all the smokescreen they need to destroy our society and make a nice few quid while they are doing it.


I'm surprised they did deport him though, he had been used as a prop for the right for quite some time. Strange that we never hear from the moderate good Muslim people?

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Your against freedom of the press? Does the phrase Patriot Act mean anything to you? Really you should try some joined up thinking I'm afraid. If freedom of the press has been compromised (which it clearly has) the only recourse people have is to leak the truth so that informed rather than half baked assessment can be made.


I have no reason to believe that freedom of the press has been compromised.

If you believe it has, care to submit some hard evidence of this?

Evidence that specific stories were censored or restricted from release to the media would be a good start to convince me otherwise.

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