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Are the US behind Assange extradition?

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Maybe some of it but I doubt they published the more sensitive material


Their collaboration with the release was needed because redacting the data is time consuming, so much of the burden was taken by the newspapers.


The publication of the cables is absolutely a partnership and a collaboration between wikileaks and the newspapers mentioned.


In terms of complicity, the burden is shared equally.


Wikileaks has hit the headlines because the papers are writing the headlines, and Assange is a "lightning rod" for all the negative reactions, as he explained himself. And it's a strategy that seems to be working. And it's no surprise that so many people are calling for his arrest, detention, torture and execution without trial from the US, because it's the home of the free and the land of the brave.


Were it not for the tens of millions of clear thinking, articulate and enlightened Americans one could come to believe that these demands were actually commonplace.

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Their collaboration with the release was needed because redacting the data is time consuming, so much of the burden was taken by the newspapers.


The publication of the cables is absolutely a partnership and a collaboration between wikileaks and the newspapers mentioned.


In terms of complicity, the burden is shared equally.


Wikileaks has hit the headlines because the papers are writing the headlines, and Assange is a "lightning rod" for all the negative reactions, as he explained himself. And it's a strategy that seems to be working. And it's no surprise that so many people are calling for his arrest, detention, torture and execution without trial from the US, because it's the home of the free and the land of the brave.


Were it not for the tens of millions of clear thinking, articulate and enlightened Americans one could come to believe that these demands were actually commonplace.



Whatever the extent of his involvement the fact is that these leaks have compromised valuable intelligence gathering, the lives of personnel involved and the ongoing war against terrorism.


Apart from all this I dont know why this drama queen is fighting extradition to Sweden. If he's as innocent as he claims he has nothing to fear from the Swedish judicial system. It's as fair and just as any other in Europe.

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Then you know nothing.


What you know I've forgotten long ago :D


It dont take an Einstein to figure out from your past posts which are consistently anti-American rants to know what you really are.


Ooops! Einstein was Jewish! Didint mean to raise your BP a few notches !

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What you know I've forgotten long ago


Senility is nothing to be proud of:confused:.


It dont take an Einstein to figure out from your past posts which are consistently anti-American rants to know what you really are.


Ooops! Einstein was Jewish! Didint mean to raise your BP a few notches !


You'll have to try harder than that I'm afraid (I'm an atheist, and have worked with quite a few Americans on various OS projects so am most certainly not "anti-american" as you try to label anyone who doesn't agree with all aspects of American policy).


Methinks you read too much into too many posts on here.

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