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Old woman foils robbers

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In this clip you can see the cavalry arrive once Supergran has whupped all them there robbers botties and sent them running back to mummy.

Apart from the one that those brave men were holding down.



Yes I noticed how everyone suddenly ran to help after she'd seen them all off! I wondered who was filming it myself and why they didn't run to assist her. I thought it might be have been a set-up but it's all over the place now that the police have got 4 people in custody etc etc so I guess it must be genuine.


Just one of those things isn't it? You sit here and think she was absolutely mad - one blow from one of those sledgehammers and that would have been the end of her. But you're either one of those people who can stand and watch or walk past or someone who will try and stop others doing wrong even if it puts them at risk. Unfortunately, I'm like her - I'll probably meet a sticky end one day.

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